Sunday, September 10, 2006

Easter Sunday had come and gone with little observation on March 23, 2008. The nation was still reeling from the devastating effects of two natural disasters that had compounded the problems brought on by the O.U.T.R.A.G.E. bombings in January. Most western religions celebrate western Easters on pre-determined dates that differ from the Orthodox dates, which are based on original calculations using the Julian calendar. Western religions convert from the Orthodox dates to equivalent dates using the Gregorian calendar. The Orthodox date for Easter, 2008 was April 27.
While tens of millions of U.S. citizens were still going about their routines, one change was noticeable: more people were attending church than ever before. Churches found themselves overwhelmed, sometimes increasing the number of Sunday services in order to accommodate all those who wanted to worship. Vesper services each evening attracted people who just wanted to meditate, or needed a few moments of solemn solace. Clergymen found themselves beseiged with requests for counseling, as did psychiatrists and psychologists across the country. People needed solitutude, comfort, forgiveness, and compassion - the hustle-bustle fervidity of daily life suddenly took a lesser priority in their lives. It no longer became necessary to run to the store because we were out of nail polish; the hectic, mad material rush for "things" seemed unimportant.
Some states reinstated their Sunday "blue laws" requiring that all but essential services remain closed on Sundays. Many retail stores voluntarily started closing on Sundays, partially because employees needed time away from work to deal with personal issues resulting from the tragedies that struck their families. Others wanted to help those in need around the country; others wanted to get more involved in helping to reshape the nation. O.U.T.R.A.G.E. membership was on the rise as citizens began to realize that this 'Rebellion of '08' had, indeed, been a second American Revolution. Unlike revolutions involving guns and tanks, missiles and fighterjets, this rebellion required strategic placement of thousands of home-made bombs, all denotated simultaneously be simple cell phones. O.U.T.R..A.G.E. had put an end to the outrage; America could now strive to become the "kinder, gentler nation" that George H.W. Bush had promised when he became President.
Church across the country began making plans for an Easter celebration on Sunday, April 27. Two weeks from today would be a national day of somber celebration and reflection. Many congregations were planning "religious renewals" where people could come to renew their faith and renounce their evil pasts. All over America the shock-jocks were being subdued as they suddenly recognized no one wanted to listen to their garbage over the airwaves any longer. Most radio and Tv stations were broadcasting a preponderance of the O.U.T.R.A.G.E. material being transmitted from St. Kitts; some stations were playing music from the 1950's and '60's, repeating old-fashioned black-and-white films from the 1930's and 40's, and presenting live round-table discussions with common, ordinary citizens about how to repair, renew, and reshape their communities.
God wasn't dead, after all, it seemed; Americans had just swept Him under the carpet and allowed vile, evil, corrupt, no-good politicians, celebrities and elitists to dictate twisted values to the masses. If people could be influenced by TV and movies to do wrong, they could just as easily be influenced by TV and movies to do good. There was never a better time for the corporate world, government and the media to come together for the best interests of the common cause.
The devil's advocates at the top of the pyramids had mostly been annihilated, wiped out, scratched from the Earth. Now good and decent people could bring a new sense of honor and morality to America without being crushed by the solicitous insanity of sleazy lawyers, corrupt politicians, greedy chief executives, self-absorbed wealthy elitists, and slothful celebrities.
For the most part, those egomaniacal contagions were dead and gone.


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