Tuesday, October 31, 2006

The "National Parade of Honor" was a "hit parade". It was something a nation needed to help heal itself. It brought people together as it honored all of those men and women who, over the years, had served their country under what sometimes seemed to be misunderstood logic and impaired leadership. The parade began in New York City, which was practically a ghost town when one compared it to the bustling metropolis it was before January 17, 2008. Scores of bombed-out buildings, mass graves, and extensive damage from the March hurricane had left the "Big Apple" pretty much nothing more than a core of its former self. Still, an estimated one million New Yorkers turned out to help kick off this momentous event.
Veterans, from every war the U.S.A. had fought since World War II, were proud parade participants. People from all walks of life, and from all eras of contemporary U.S. history, joined together to make this the most memorable Memorial Day celebration ever held.
Over the past ten years, the conservative-biased media had dominated the airwaves. Of particular reprehensible note was Rush Limbaugh, a ne'er-do-well from Cape Girardeau, Missouri, who finally made a name for himself by expelling an exceptionally evil blend of hatred, bigotry, and lies designed to intimidate liberals and trumpet the greatness of all conservatives. Even after being exposed as a prescription-drug abuser, Limbaugh managed to maintain a loyalty among his 'ditto heads'. who seemingly found it easier to let him do their thinking for them instead of forming their own thoughts and perspectives. Thought to be a well-orchestrated collusion between the Republican Party and recent Republican administrations, Limbaugh's poison talk resonated among those who believed government should not help those who couldn't help themselves. Welfare recipients, street-corner drug addicts, non-Christians, 'tree-hugging' environmentalists, homeless people, minimum-wage workers, single mothers, women's libbers, homosexuals, and other 'deviants' were ostracized on Limbaugh's show, called insulting names (such as 'wackos") and degraded as unfit United States citizens. Of course, Limbaugh staunchly defended his conservative crowd, including pedophiles, prescription-drug abusers, alocholics, wife beaters, white collar cirminals, cheats, liars, petty thieves, corporate welfare recipients, millionaires, war mongers, billionaires, oil company executives, and war profiteers. Limbaugh had aroused such passionate hatred among his followers that a culture was slowly spreading across the U.S.A. Just as Hitler's Nazi regime spread propaganda that persuaded otherwise sensible German people to accept the killing of 6,000,000 Jews, gypsies and others not good enough to be part of Hitler's 'perfect Aryan race', Limbaugh's listeners were becoming more and more calloused. The criticism, abuse, torture, and even killing of anyone diametrically opposed to conservative idealogies was gaining momentum. It was a 'final solution' for America, and it was gradually gaining acceptance in some of the Limbaugh circles. O.U.T.R.A.G.E. recognized what inherent wickedness lived within this bloated sub-human pill popper; Limbaugh was one of the primary O.U.T.R.A.G.E. targets last January. Killing him was imperative if the hatreful gospel he spewed forth for three hours every day was to be stopped.
Now the "Parade of Honor" was all about commemorating those who had so vailiantly served the country (as Limbaugh had not). Tuesday, May 27, took Jil Adams and her band of revelers to Albany, New York, where seventy thousand people stood in a light rain as the parade passed through the center of town.
Next stop: Coudersport, Pennsylvania, where the local American Legion Post was to host an outdoor bar-b-que for the O.U.T.R.A.G.E. clan, following the parade. Only about ten thousand people were expected to attend the parade since it was such a small community, but almost a thousand veterans were expected to march in the parade. It was evidence of a groundswell taking place across America as the 'Parade of Honor" received TV coverage, and the event sparked more national interest.


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