Friday, April 27, 2007

For decades, the republic of the United States of America had floundered as the "Republicrats" monopolized the political system to a point where it only was of benefit to those who were in the "sphere of power, wealth and influence". If you were just a 'common' citizen trying to raise three kids on an average salary, you held little influence over any election, even if and when you voted. If you were a poor single mother living in the inner-city, trying to support a family of six without a spouse or other breadwinner, you had no power at all. Regardless of how the politicians (particularly Democrats) pontificated over "feeling your pain", every American taxpayer and voter knew it was so much carp crap. Regardless of how politicians preached how "America is the land of opportunity, and you can be anything you want to be", the raw truth was that most people stuck in underprivileged circumstances stayed in underprivileged circumstances. There was only room for so many people on the top rungs of the success ladder; the rest were destined to be bullied into settling for their lesser lot in life.
Now, a new, true democracy was being born, a reform that came out of the ashes of the O.U.T.R.A.G.E. 'Rebellion of '08'. The upper-crust society in America had suffered a mortal blow. Few millionaires - and even fewer billionaires - remained alive in the country. Multi-billion-dollar corporations didn't exist anymore, except in rare instances where such corporations had treated their employees with dignity, reward, appreciation and respect, and had used the full weight of their profits for the enrichment and betterment of the national - or international - community. Those kinds of companies were few and far between, but they were now the only surviving conglomerates. The federal government was all but obliterated, allowing state and local governments to take back control of their communities, economies, and finances. Few relied on corporate welfare any more because there was no government bureaucracy left to dole it out. Most politicians, who always were willing and able to piss away billions of taxpayers' dollars for the benefit of their friends and associates, no longer lived just to suck up more of the Earth's oxygen and continue their squanderous ways.
"The bigger any organization, corporation of government gets, the less manageable it becomes, and the fewer people benefit from it..."
O.U.T.R.A.G.E. had set the stage for radical reform. "The people" had responded enthusiastically. Now that reform was being put into motion. New political parties - and their freshly-elected candidates - were working together for the first time in contemporary political memory. Working toward goals that would not simply line the pockets of greedhead lobbyists, fat-cat corporation execuitves, self-absorbed movie stars and celebrities, ultra-rich athletes and social snobs, corrupt politicians, and other repugnant members of the rich and famous. Working toward a more equitable playing field where "all men were," - indeed - "created equal" with liberty, justice, opportunity, and fairness for all - not just for those who had megabucks.
It would take time, money, energy, and commitment, but eventually children from all neighborhoods would attend schools that were equally equipped, staffed, and certified. Egregious 'oversights' would no longer be tolerated: if a suburban high school in an upscale neighborhood got an Olympic-sized swimming pool, the school in the middle of a rundown ghetto could also expect to get an Olypic-sized swimming pool. If a married couple living in a $300,000 home received a special tax abatement for making improvements to their property, the couple struggling to rid their apartment of rats would also be entitled to a special tax incentive for doing what they could to enhance their living quarters. If a poor black child went to jail for selling $10 rocks of cocaine on the street, so would the big-time movie producer go to jail for providing mountains of cocaine to guests at one of his movie premier parties.
It was time for any remaining rich and powerful people in the country to recognize that they were no better than anyone else. Indeed, they had a mandate to help provide for, assist, support and enrich those who lacked money and power. Bullies and bigots would no longer be tolerated in social circles, political arenas, corporate agendas or environmental environments.
On Friday, November 21, 2008, Barack Obama stepped in front of the O.U.T.R.A.G.E. television cameras in St. Kitts and announced that all polling places would remain opened 'year 'round' so that the people could vote on virtually every single issue put before the new U.S. Congress. Dubbed "The Democracy Directive", Obama explained that every piece of legislation put before the new U.S. Congress would also be put before the people. Citizens would have a pre-designated period of time in which to go to their polls and vote. Newly-elected members of Congress would then be obliged to follow the will of the people - those who voted in the majority. Congressional officials would only be responsible for the 'mechanics' of turning the peoples' wishes into formal legislation. The same would be true of all legislation to be taken off the books - the myriad laws that Congress had stupidly passed over the years would be systematically dismantled, at the will of the people, without regard as to how it might benefit a particular Congressman's constituency. The O.U.T.R.A.G.E. broadcasts would continue non-stop, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to thoroughly and objectively explain the details of each piece of legislation. Voters were encouraged to stay tuned to these important reports, and pay less attention to bromidic tripe of "The View", telecasts of sporting events, "Entertainment Tonight," senseless sitcoms involving the outrageous antics of two single brothers who lived together, violent dramas that paraded as law enforcement stories, and even some of the political dunderheads that still passed themselves off as 'experts', 'analysts', 'commentators' and 'pundits'. Obama promised that each O.U.T.R.A.G.E. report would be balanced, fair, and unbiased - providing detailed information about pending legislation. The public would be fully informed, he pledged, so that they, in turn, can make informed decisions. "The Democracy Directive" was to be a true experiment of the pure democratic process. Could a population of 300 million people pull it off?


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