Friday, July 06, 2007

Barack Obama and Colin Powell agonized over John McCain's concerns. Was the AROB group out of control? Or were they just a bunch of party animals that liked a little 'release' after their hard day's work? The two co-Presidents decided to take the issue to a team of O.U.T.R.A.G.E. analysts for evaluation. Did this interfere, at all, with the O.U.T.R.A.G.E. mission? Still, there were myriad other issues to be dealt with. If, indeed, O.U.T.R.A.G.E. was going to remain linked to the federal government in helping to bring more equality to all, some subtle modifications needed to be made. As its membership exploded, the O.U.T.R.A.G.E. organization had become fabulously wealthy. Awash with cash from non-solicited donations, the organization had billions of dollars to work - or play - with; some members had contributed much of their life savings after joining the organization and/or learning about its revolutionary mission. This issue would be just one more component of the new federal government's mandate. O.U.T.R.A.G.E. analysts, economists, political experts, social scientists, clergy, international advisors, philosophers, and planners had a lot on their respective plates. A lot of things needed changed:

Elected officials, corporate executives, wealthy elitists, movie stars, sports celebrities, media moguls, and heirs to family fortunes had been living like some privileged class while millions of Americans went to bed hungry, had no place to sleep, were unemployed, couldn't afford health care, suffered from depression, couldn't make their mortgage payments, had to choose between medicine and groceries, or sat slumped over in wheelchairs alone and desolate in rundown nursing homes.
Government had squandered billions of taxpayer dollars on weaponry that didn't even work, wasted billions of dollars on useless research studies, granted billions more to corporations to 'help' them develop marketing strategies for their fast-food products in foreign countries, and pissed away billions of ineffective, fraudulent, worthless government agencies and projects - all because blind and innocent American taxpayers never paid attention to what was getting done in D.C.
Fully 60% of American corporations still paid little or no income taxes while the poor working stiff saw 35% of his wages eaten up in federal, state, and local taxes.
Of the top ten wealthiest people in the United States, four of them had been descendants of Sam Walton with a combined net worth of $62,300,000,000! Those people had been killed by O.U.T.R.A.G.E. bombs, as had many of America's other selfish and greedy billionaires. What was to be done with all that person wealth?
Government research, evaluation, and legislation had been written by corporations who wrote only what they wanted the public (and the government) to hear.
National Geographic magazine was warning that if nothing was done about global warming, much of Florida, Bangladesh and the Netherlands could be under water in less than five decades.

O.U.T.R.A.G.E. had taken the first revolutionary steps in eliminating the people and entities that contributed to such fiscal squalor. Now it was up the newly-elected federal government, with the assistance of O.U.T.R.A.G.E. volunteers, to find ways to transform a piggish America into a utopia of sharing, caring and compassion for all its people, not just the privileged few on the top rung of the ladder. Government excess had set the example for corporate excess. Now all that excess had to be re-directed for the common good of all people. There was no excuse for the world's wealthiest nation to allow millions of its people to go to bed hungry each night just because members of America's ruling class wanted to pig out on caviar and champagne in exclusive five-star restaurants. There was no reason why every single American citizen shouldn't have access to the very best medical care, regardless of his ability to pay for it. There was no logic to a society that enforced a minimum wage law, yet put no cap on what corporate leaders could milk from their publicly-owned companies. There was no justification for one 14-year-old high school student to swim in an Olympic-sized school pool and use state-of-the-art computer equipment, while another 14-year-old student in a different part of town sat in rundown classrooms and had to 'make-do' with a gymnasium's broken backboards. Hubris, avarice, arrogance and oneupsmanship had to give way to "Equilateralism". In McCain's view, that also meant the excesses he


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