Tuesday, June 27, 2006

The seventh meeting was convened at its usual 4:55 afternoon starting time. As the cameras whirled around the room, some 'familiar' faces were beginning to pop up - faces of O.U.T.R.A.G.E. members who were part of the 'original fifty' that introduced the group and explained its agenda. But, as in every day that passed, new faces also emerged.
Some waved small American flags; others held placards or displayed their bright lime-green O.U.T.R.A.G.E. buttons. Some smiled into the camera; others would turn away. One small group stood off in what appeared to be a small alcove at the back of the plain, nondescript room.

A large, professionally-printed poster hung on the wall above their heads. Its proclamation was a chilling expose' of what many considered the Bush administration's miserable mismanagement during its tenure.

The Cheney/Bush administration was by far the most evil, corrupt, and incompetent to ever occupy the White House.
This seated Congress was the most evil, corrupt, and incompetetent to ever occupy the Capitol Building in U.S. history.
Now, most of those people are dead and gone.

Consider that, since 2000, George H. Bush and this band of cowardly criminals has:

1. Initiated an illegal and unconstitutional war against another sovereign nation that did not provoke, threaten, or attack the U.S.A., had nothing to do with the 9-11-01 terrorists attack on the U.S., and had no weapons of mass destruction;
2. Massacred tens of thousands of innocent Iraqi citizens, including women, the elderly, and children;
3. Been responsible for the deaths of thousands of U.S. soldiers;
4. Tortured illegally-detained Iraqi prisoners without regard to the rules of the Geneva Convention;
5. Bankrupted the United States of America, forcing its citizenry trillions of dollars into debt;
6. Neglected the needs of America's poor, hungry, homeless, sick, aged, disabled and underprivileged while playing "Robin Hood in Reverse" and robbing from the poor and giving to the rich, the powerful, and the politically-connected;
7. Initiated failed economic policies that have resulted - and will continue to result - in higher unemployment, financial instability, and reckless fiscal appropriation;
8. Tarnished America's reputation as a global peacekeeper and world leader, forcing many smaller countries to consider acquiring their own nuclear weapons as a means of defense against the Earth's newest "evil empire", the U.S.A.;
9. Dismantled most of the ecological and environmental safeguards that were designed to minimize the damaging affects of such impending natural and scientific disasters such as global warming and a weakened ozone layer;
10. Created a police state wherein American citizens are presumed guilty until proven innocent;
11. Bestowed political and financial favors upon lobbyists, special interest groups, government consultants, wealthy elitists, and - especially - large national and international corporations to ensure their continued generous (if not illegal) contributions to the Republican Party and assure the GOP's continued dominant presence in Congress and the administration;
12. Falsified documents, provided fraudulent information, or out-and-out lied to the American people whenever it believed it to be politically expedient.


The proclamation was adorned with countless signatures, undoubtedly all members of O.U.T.R.A.G.E.

The camera panned to the center of the crowd where a young college student named Rick introduced himself. "I'm from North Dakota," he announced, and I would like to introduce today's resolution. For years the so-called 'honorable' men and women of Congress refused to increase the minimum wage while they piggishly grabbed pay increases and perquisites for themselves at every opportunity. Beholden to America's largest employers who didn't want to see their payrolls increase, Congress adamantly held the line on the minimum wage until many low-incomed Americans were actually earning less (in real dollars, adjusted for inflation) than they did twenty years before. We all remember the $3,300.00 cost-of-living increase they gave themselves in 2006 - timed so that most voters would forget about it before the mid-term elections. While a majority of poor, hard-working Americans learned to live on less income as prices increased, members of Congress and the executives they whored around with saw their wages increase in grotesque proportion. Some CEOs and other corporate big-wigs were earning 600 times as much as their average employee. It's time for a dramatic change in order to level the playing field and create a more equitable compensation package for all American workers. I am particularly proud to introduce this resolution to all voters who are watching today's teleconference." At that moment, an old Beatles' song from the 1960's began wafting in the background while Rick submitted his resolution.

Have you seen the little piggies
crawing in the dirt?
And for all the little piggies life is getting worse.
Always having dirt to play around in....

Have you seen the bigger piggies
in their stuffed white shirts?
You will find the bigger piggies stirring up the dirt.
Always have clean shirts to play around in......

In their styes with all their backing,
they don't care what goes on around.
In their eyes, there's something;
what they need's a damn good whacking....

Everywhere there's lots of piggies
living piggy lives.
You can see them out to dinner with their piggy wives.
Clutching forks and knives to eat their bacon....


"The American worker is entitled to a fair and reasonable wage that can help pull him out of poverty and allow him to share in the great wealth of this amazing country. This resolution is recommending that the minimum wage be raised, effective immediately, to $12.00 per hour for a standard forty-hour work week. Sadly, that's still only $24,000 per year, but at least it's a start. Then, as part of this new law, the minimum wage will automatically increase to coincide with the cost of living adjustment on January 1 of each new calendar year. This law applies to all corporations, proprietorships, or partnerships that conduct interstate business. The annual pay increase will take effect immediately without any need for Congress to vote or otherwise authorize such an increase. Business that do not comply will be subject to a $5,000-per-day fine per-employee for every day in which they are found to be non-compliant.
A maximum wage will also be passed into law, requiring that all corporations, proprietorships, or partnerships involved in both interstate or intrastate business limit the total compensation package to those owners, managers, supervisors, or executive officers to no more than ten (10) times the total compensation package of the lowest-paid employees. This includes hourhly wages, salaries, bonuses, stock options, retirement programs, pension plans, company cars or other vehicles available for personal use, expense reimbursements, or any other compensation. If stock dividends are paid to CEOs or other management personnel, the same stock options and dividend provisions must be avaialble to all other full-time employees of the company under specifically equal terms and conditions. The same annual pay increase will take place on the 1st of January in each calendar year without any further vote or Congressional authorization. Business that do not comply will be subject to a $5,000-per-day fine per-employee for every day in which they are found to be non-compliant.
As always, the naysayers will argue that this restricts free enterprise, and goes against America's capitalistic heritage.
Part of our American premis is that 'all men are created equal...' - that should be more important than a handful of people accumulating untold wealth off the sweat from the brows of their employees. This in no way is unfair to CEOs, executive officers, top management, or business owners. In fact, we believe this will increase productivity and enhance profitability in most companies because workers will know they're being treated fairly and more equitably. Thank you for your attention. Please exercise your right to vote, using the portable voting devices provided at each viewing location."

In every viewing location around the United States, the same two-line message was posted right before the screen faded to black.


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