Monday, September 11, 2006

Startling news came from Washington, DC as workers dug through the rubble of the White House. First priority, of course, had been to rescue any survivors after the January 17th explosions; the next priority was recovering the bodies. Now, a dozen weeks after the bombings, crews were still clearing debris. A volunteer from Tennessee first noticed a small, black leather diary lying on the floor of what was once the Oval Office. The hurricane had completely destroyed the elegant furnishings, and most of what remained was nothing more than broken, mud-caked rubbish, waiting to be tossed into dumpsters and carted away. Somehow, the diary had escaped serious harm and, as fate would allow, the worker gently picked up the small book and began browsing through its pages. The leather binding had protected the pages from the elements, and the worker instantly realized he was holding the personal diary of George W. Bush, deceased President of the United States of America! Certainly something that would be included in a Presidential library someday, the journal contained cryptic writings that never made it into any official government papers, never became classified documents, and probably would have been kept from the public for generations because of its scathing content.
George W. Bush's handwriting was indicative of someone with little patience for detail, someone who was much more comfortable with broad brush strokes rather than clarity, precision or punctilious conduct. Strangely, the writings revealed a man who seemed to be wrestling with his own tortured soul, a man whose restless conscience appeared to be battling with his personal egoism.
"I know they want me to be stronger," one entry read, "and I sometimes can't cope with their demands. I should have never let them talk me into this; I can't believe what I've been forced to do. Laura even sees through it; she's hard to fool. Abe Lincoln was right: 'You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time.' Jeb's the stronger one. Why didn't they pick him?"
A later entry, dated September 13, 2001, was shockingly stark: "No one can ever know what I knew - or didn't know. The group had talked about it casually, but I never really expected them to go through with it. I guess I understand the reasons why it had to happen, but I'll never understand why they didn't confide in me. It was like they wanted me to look real dumb."
A Christmas entry, 2004, read: "I feel trapped. I don't like being the gopher, but I can't change things now. The dynasty is going to continue, and I have to play my role. I guess I thought being POTUS would be a lot more fun than it's been."
These scribbled ramblings, when assembled, showed a depressed, demented George W. Bush, sometimes contemplating suicide, and at other times ranting like some madman despot. Close interpretation demonstrated that there was, indeed, complicity between nameless, faceless power brokers who really ruled the U.S.A. It was as many suspected all along: George W. Bush was a dim-witted puppet, controlled by those members of the Skull & Bones Society who secretly made the decisions and called all the shots. "The group" obviously consisted of George H.W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld, James Baker, and perhaps one hundred other wealthy elitists whose motives were world domination and global economic power. Some members of this group also included prominent Saudi families whose billions helped finance sinister activities throughout the world. Careful reading would reveal that this gang of billionaires were, in fact, responsible for the explosions that rocked the World Trade Center towers and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001; they had engineered many of the so-called 'terrorist' attacks around the world, including the plot uncovered at Heathrow Airport in the summer of 2006; they had bought and paid for the election and the re-election of George W. Bush. The explosive content of this tiny diary would change history; these random events were all linked - not to a terrorist group called Al Qaeda - but to a group of financiers who coveted ruling the entire world for their own personal enrichment. Diary entries demonstrated that a master plan had been in place since the early 1980's, and the Bush family dynasty would play an important part in destroying the United States of America, to be replaced by the next big 'super power' - China.
The Tennessee volunteer who found the diary dutifully turned it over to Interim President Colin Powell, who promised that its contents would be revealed publicly "in due course".


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