Saturday, February 24, 2007

Most of the week was spent co-ordinating projects from the O.U.T.R.A.G.E. headquarters in St. Kitts; there was still immense clean-up work to do on both coasts. Volunteers were still digging bodies from the rubble, and municipal crews were still working to restore basic services in many regions of the country, particularly the east and west coasts. Meanwhile, various 'movements' were spreading across the country like a forest fire doused with kerosene.
The nation's moral fiber had been decimated by those powerful and wealthy individuals that were so idolized by the poor masses. Everyone wanted to be Britney Spears, George W. Bush, Anna Nicole Smith, Bobby Knight, or some other rich and famous athlete, politician, celebrity or business mogul. And, millions of Americans - seeking that nefarious dream of wealth and power, fame and fortune - had sacrificed their moral compass in an effort to do something - anything! - more outrageous than the next guy. Cheating on a spouse was passe' these days; now, to make a name for yourself, you were expected to conceive a baby out-of-wedlock. Living together was practiced by more than half the American populace; in fact, the Internal Revenue Service, and its inane tax laws, actually encouraged living together instead of matrimony. It made sense for loving couple to divorce just so they could save thousands of dollars in federal taxes. Divorce, abortion and sexually transmitted diseases ran rampant throughout the country. Outlandish language, disrespect for the basic fundamental principles on which this nation was founded, and perverse sexual conduct were the norm instead of the exception. It seemed everyone had to do something more sensational than the person before them as they all tried to claw their way up the ladder to 'success'.
Even the religious zealots were bombarded with incidents of sin and immorality within their midsts. Ministers were caught in secret homosexual liaisons; priests were caught abusing young boys practically every week. Television evangilists were, with alarming regularity, caught having affairs with their church secretaries or members of their congregations.
Of course, the cesspool with the most stench was the U.S. Congress. These cretins were constantly being paraded in front of the news, involved in everything from gambling scandals to prostitution rings to graft. It seemed there was nothing people wouldn't do to increase their bank accounts or establish one more notch to their position of power and importance.
As children viewed tens of thousands of murders, rapes and attacks on television, children became more calloused to the effects of their environments. Hundreds of cases involving childhood rapes, pregnancies, physical abuseses and bullying were causing school administrators nightmares in big cities and small towns across America.
"Family values" were mocked as common, everyday citizens demeaned marriage, avoided trying to rear their children in a wholesome environment, shunned family activites, and participated in the pleasures of the flesh and the power brought on by a well-filled wallet. It was okay to splurge on an $80-a-plate dinner at some five-star restaurant, but God forbid Dad should spend twenty bucks taking his ten-year-old son to a local baseball game.
This ugly essence is what O.U.T.R.A.G.E. had captured, and - with some aplomb - was now trying to erradicate from the American society before its vile stench overwhelmed us all and we ended up in the same fate as the Greeks or Romans.
There were certain things people should be ashamed of, and American publications had made heroes out of the celebrities, athletes, politicians, and wealthy elitsts who flaunted their good fortune and made a mockery of morality.
As the upcoming elections neared, O.U.T.R.A.G.E. intentionally wanted to endorse candidates that would re-create an American culture that embraced family values and honored the decency of humanity.


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