Wednesday, June 28, 2006

80% of the voters in Monday's election opted to establish a voters' holiday, With 790,013 votes cast, the resolution passed easily: 632,034 "Yea" votes to 158,009 "Nay" votes. Among themselves, O.U.T.R.A.G.E. members expressed satisfaction in that result, believing that citizens really want to participate in the voting process. All any body of Congress had to do was make it more convenient for such participation. Now a new Congress, elected purely by an untainted popular vote, would replace 533 current members of Congress who had perished in the nation's worst internal disaster since the Civil War.

At exactly 4:55 P.M. EST, on a surprisingly warm winter Wednesday in most parts of the country, the large-screen TVs came to life in thousands of locations from coast-to-coast. An ever-increasing number of viewers watched as an ever-increasing number of O.U.T.R.A.G.E. participants filled the undisclosed hall from where these daily telecasts were being transmitted. The camera panned the room, then focused on the red numerals disclosing results of yesterday's vote.


90% of the voters in Tuesday's election opted to pass this resolution. It was clear to O.U.T.R.A.G.E. members that 'common' American citizens were gradually embracing this new system of democracy. While death counts were still being tallied and bodies were still being ripped from avalanches of blown-up buildings and homes, citizens seemed to sense that something good might come out of this terrible terror. Perhaps it WAS the only way: maybe this hi-tech version of the American Revolution was the final solution to dealing with an avaricious and egotistical political system that had grossly overstepped its bounds and severely mangled the true purpose and spirit of democracy. Defined in most dictionaries as "government in which the people hold supreme power", more and more 'civilians' felt they no longer lived in a true democracy; instead, they lived in a democratically-inspired monarchy ruled by an elite class of wealthy and connected individuals whose personal pursuits and ambitions allowed for considerably less social equality.

"Today's resolution is important to me," said Nan, a tall middle-aged blonde with intense crystal-blue eyes. "and that's why I have chosen to introduce it and ask for your vote so that it might be considered as part of the new law of the land." Demure and attractive, she still exuded an exotic fusion of formality, class and perhaps a savage sexuality. Her eyes sparkled - danced, with just a hint of tantalizing tease; undoubtedly, every man watching her on the big-screen TVs wanted her, realizing in his own private fantasy that she could easily make him her subservient; all she'd have to do would be to snap her fingers. Her bright lime-green O.U.T.R.A.G.E. button contrasted sharply with her smartly-tailored burgundy jacket and matching slacks.

"My husband was killed due to the obstinant stubborness of a judge who was out of touch with reality, and because of a defiency within our judicial system that allowed a ruthless murderer to go free and kill again. As circumstances unfolded, this ignorant judge sent my husband to jail for "insubordination" while he stupidly released a selfless piece of human dirt who had already confessed to countess other crimes and pledged to the judge that he would kill again. Our judicial system is in serious need of reform. Judges sit on a bench for life, with little supervision or evaluation. They are installed in palatial chambers with luxurious accoutrements; they enjoy lavish lifestyles paid for by American taxpayers; and they have absolutely no realization or regard for the consequences of the sentences they impose or judgements they make. Had it not been for obtuse decisions made by one particular, arrogant judge who saw himself as God Almighty, my husband would still be alive today; and, a vicious career criminal who boasted about his murders, assaults and rapes of innocent men, children and woman might at least be behind bars, if not on death row. For any of you who might remember '...And Justice for All', an old Al Pacino movie from almost twenty-five years ago, I implore your indulgence."

The beautiful eyes that once danced had now dissolved into puddles of despair as her lips quivered and her voice trembled in uncontrollable defiance. "I am proud to put forth this resolution for the People's consideration..."


" Many of our judges are overpaid, overstuffed pompous gods who sit in palatial chambers and enjoy lavish perquisites from their lifetime appointments without any supervision or review of their job performances. While a handful of aggressive attorneys might challenge a judge, most recognize the occupational suicide such actions might incur. This resolution is straight-forward, common sense that lends integrity to the judicial system, protects the citizenry, rightfully punishes the guilty, and keeps judges from becoming tainted or corrupt. Like members of Congress who should not be allowed social contact with those who might influence them, judges also must be required to live a monk-like existence as long as they sit on the bench. These recommendations are offered as part and parcel of this resolution:

1. Limit a judge's term to six years, after which he must be required to take a leave of absence from the bench and pursue
other occupational ventures unrelated to the legal system or politics;
2. After a leave of absence of at least two years, (s)he may once again return to the bench, but in a different venue or geographical locale;
3. As part of their training and education - and before they can become a judge - judges MUST be required to serve a one-month jail sentence as an anonymous inmate so that they comprehend what kind of environment they are sentencing people to, and so that they understand the basic failings of the prison system as it exists today (by the way, they cannot serve their jail sentence at one of the federal government's so-called 'country club prisons');
4. While serving on the bench, a judge will not be allowed to be a member of any organizations, associations, country clubs, social or political groups, or any other entity wherein they might come in contact with anyone in a position to extract favors or impose undue influence on the judge's decisions;
5. Global Positioning Systems (GPS) will be provided to monitor a judge's whereabouts at all times, and telephones will be subject to wiretaps and monitoring of conversations to ensure that the judge has no opportunity to make any contacts with persons who might wish to influence or threaten the judge;
6. Judges will be paid exactly the pay grades as that of U.S. soldiers, and compensation will be based on performance, integrity, and longevity. No judge will be allowed to profit from hsi or her experiences on the bench, nor will (s)he be allowed to work as a lobbyist, government consultant, or legal advisor for any individual and/or corporation while not on the bench;
7. Judges found in violation of any conditions will be tried for treason, and - if convicted - will face life imprisonment or death by firing squad;
8. A Review Board will be appointed to regularly scrutinize all sentences handed down by all judges to determine whether the decisions were just and reasonable;
9. Judges may be fired, removed from office, or dismissed upon deriliction of their duties.
10. Judges may NOT announce or promote their political preferences, and may NOT endorse any specific political candidate.

Therein, ladies and gentlemen, lies the rough draft of this resolution. Indeed, this will have to be fine-tuned as it is honed into actual law, but I appeal to you to vote "Yea" for this resolution as one more step in our process toward bringing government and the political processes back to the People of this great nation. Thank you."

With that, Nan's creamy complexion and sullen smile evaporated into nothingness. The familiar two-line message softly congealed on the screen before fading to black...and the TV monitors again were silent until the next day.


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