Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Expert analysts poured over the George W. Bush diary, first of all to determine its authenticity; then to evaluate its content. To many it appeared that George W. Bush was on the brink of his own self-destruction. Had he not been among those killed in the O.U.T.R.A.G.E. explosions on January 17th, the magnitude of that catastrophe might easily have done him in; it was apparent that he was in a fragile state of mind, vacillating between his role as the leader of the greatest nation on Earth and his role as nothing more than a lackey for a handful of billionaires who dominated his life. Even George W. Bush must have recognized that he was a witless victim of his own heritage. He had the misfortune of being born into a family whose goal was to rule the world; the family needed him to serve as the token politician, someone they could install as an obsequious robot who would righteously do their bidding without challenge, skepticism, or concern.
Almost seven years had passed since two airplanes supposedly manned by evil 'terrorists' had crumpled the World Trade Center's twin towers. Almost half of those killed had still not been identified. Thousands more were just beginning to notice ill effects that had to have been a result of their being too close to the billowing smoke on September 11, 2001. Some were volunteers who had come to help with the rescue and recovery efforts; others had the misfortune to live or work too close to the two demolished buildings. Months of breathing in toxic smoke had, over the years, caused serious medical problems. Yet the federal government had done precious little to alleviate these people's pain and suffering. A billion dollars had been set aside for distribution to those New York City residents who showed signs of poor health due to 9-11. Instead of allocating the funds as had been authorized by the New York State legislature, the City of New York chose to challenge virtually every dispute. By the end of 2007, the City of New York had used more than $50 million of the money to pay lawyers who had been employed to contest victims' claims. By the end of 2007, practically none of the money had been dispersed to victims who were either too ill to work, or who were dying. Even more appalling was the fact that the federal government had offered no benefits or help to these victims. Constitutionally required to protect and defend its citizens, the government had failed miserably to do so after September 11, 2001. This was perhaps the worst tragedy to take place on U.S. soil since December 7, 1941 when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. Yet the Bush administration simply ignored the needs of 'common' citizens, content to - instead - squander trillions of taxpayer dollars on insane 'wars' in Iraq and Iran, all because gluttonous oil men wanted all the easily-accessible oil in those regions. It was perhaps the most blatant neglect any administration had ever demonstrated toward its constituencies.
The Bush diary revealed appalling disregard for America's poor, and even the country's middle-class. Bush's disdain for anyone not worth billions - or at least, hundreds of millions - of dollars was unsubtle. His lack of compassion for the thousands of people killed since his Iraqi 'war' started in 2003 was repugnantly inhumane. It was as if anyone who only made $100,000 a year (or, God forbid, even less!) was so much shit on George W. Bush''s shoes. Delicate hints swathed the diary's pages, indicating that, indeed, the Bush administration had played a role in the 9-11 catastrophies, as well as many of the "terrorist" attacks that followed, both on American soil and abroad. There was no doubt that George W. Bush had some inner conflict about such activities, but there was just as much evidence that he was committed to his slavers and the yoke with which he had so unwittingly been burdened. It had nothing to do with conscience, or grief, or morality for George W. Bush; it had everything to do with his total disreard for anything outside the realm of his very limited comprehension. Bush was a moron, the most perfect "patsy" since Lee Harvey Oswald.
Yet, somewhere inside his drab, dullardly brain, Bush must have realized that his self-proclaimed 'born-again" Christianity would almost certainly condemn him to an eternal damnation of Hell's fire and brimstone because of the mass murders he had committed, all for the scourge of oil money. He was a modern-day Judas who had betrayed his country and himself for the interests of "big business" and enormous collective wealth among his peers. This very private diary demonstrated how he wrestled with his conscienceless inner-self every day; it also was evident of how his "handlers" kept him completely unaware of anything and everything they didn't want him to "worry" about. By the beginning of his last year as President of the United States, George W. Bush knew he had been played for the fool he truly was; his 'cowboy' mentality and lack of any intelligent depth played into the hands of his superiors. Had those within the Bush inner-circle known about the diary? Unlikely. Most analysts agreed this appeared to be an intensely personal record privy to no one, not even Mrs. George W. Bush.


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