Sunday, March 18, 2007

For over two years, anti-war demonstrations had escalated in America. The Bush administration got the message after the 2006 mid-term elections, but failed to strongly react to it. Even the Democratic Party, which now controlled Congress, failed to take any action more than pounding its chest and self-grandiosing in front of the TV cameras. In March, 2007, one of the largest anti-war demonstrations took place in Washington, DC, which fueled even more demonstrations across the country. By November, 2007, the public was outraged as Bush continued to push for more troops in Iraq - and started a new 'war' in Iran - while the Democrats stood around with their thumbs up their ass.
After O.U.T.R.A.G.E. had effectively killed off most members of the Bush administration and most members of Congress in the January 17, 2008 coup de' ta, the war demonstrations necessarily took a back seat to the tragedy facing the nation. Afer the spring east-coast hurricanes and west coast earthquake, the nation's consciousness was struck: everyone, it seemed, recognized that this nation had to pull together.
Now it was Columbus Day, October 12, 2008. The new national elections were less than one month away. O.U.T.R.A.G.E. was busy coordinating efforts of all the new political parties and their respective candidates. There was one clear message being pledged to the voters: NO politician endorsed by Outraged United Taxpayers Revolting Against Government Excess (O.U.T.R.A.G.E.) would be the kind of evil, corrupt, pompous bullshit politician voters were used to; voters would have choices - lots of choices. And, ideally, some candidates from each of the several dozen new political parties would gain a foothold in Congress - and in the White House. This would allow for a versatile mix of ideas. Every candidate, however, from every political party had signed a pledge, promising to work together toward mutual accomplishments. One of the first things the newly-elected Congress would do, after a referendum from the people - would be to amend the United States Constitution to virtually eliminate 90% of the United States government, force politicians to take an oath of poverty while they performed their duties as elected public servants, and created harsh new punishments for any elected official or government bureacrat who violated the new rules of ethic and conduct.
Instead of Congress passing laws for everyone else to obey, "the people" would pass the laws and members of Congress would be expected to obey them. Period. No politician would be above the law ever again in the U.S.A. Politicians would be public servants, not pompous, powerful royalty as they had set themselves up to be over the past sixty years.
Whether one was a religious person or one without spirituality, the Ten Commandments seemed to be the most complete set of laws anyone had ever created. If a Commandment said, "THOU SHALT NOT KILL", there were no disclaimers or loopholes; it didn't say, "Thou shalt not kill unless you're an idiotic war-mongering president who wants to invade other sovereign nations to steal all of its oil". It said, simply, "THOU SHALT NOT KILL". Congress, from now on, would be expected to pass laws with this kind of directness and simplicity, leaving no loopholes for sleazy lawyers to use when trying to get their rich clients off with little or no penalty. Everyone would be treated equally in front of the law, whether (s)he was black or white, Lutheran or Catholic, rich or poor, young or old, famous or unknown. Politicians, celebrities, athletes and wealthy elitists had had their way for too many decades. Now the poor were to be given power. The rich would receive the same kind of justice as those who couldn't afford fancy-dan lawyers. Equality - as in "all men are created equal" - would be the standard of the land.
It was a lofty goal, no doubt. But, considering how the country had come together in the past nine months, the rebirth of this nation seemed imminent.
Sunday, October 12, 2008: marking 516 years since an Italian explorer named Christopher Columbus supposedly 'discovered' this land of milk and honey. Now this nation, which had attracted so many millions over the centuries, was about to return to its roots. Ever since the Pilgrims first sat down to dinner with native American Indians,things started to deteriorate. Just as we all begin dying the minute we're born, the new "America" began to die as we massacred the Indians and stole their land; slaughtered the buffalo; destroyed the beauty of the American landscape; imported human beings to be sold and traded as property; and eventually commercialized the whole thing into a mish-mash of corporate greed and political abberation.
Months of hard work by O.U.T.R.A.G.E. members, and months of bringing this nation back together through the efforts of the AROB group and others, was now coming to a head. The November 4th elections would certainly impact on the direction and future of the United States of America.


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