Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Just as Hitler rode around in his 1937 Horch 930V limousine while sending German troops into harm's way, Bush flew around in Air Force One while sending American troops into an insolent and immoral 'war'. For seven years Bush continued his folly, foolishly and stubbornly refusing to concede that he had made an atrocious, monumental error in judgment. As the crumbling walls of the Capitol building crushed the life out of America's 43rd President, Bush must have had the same kind of sobering thoughts that Adolph Hitler had as Berlin burned outside his bunker. Hitler knew many of his generals had tried to assassinate him; he was profoundly aware that, toward the end of World War II, most of the Nazi leadership was more interested in saving its own skin than planning new military strategies. Bush, too, knew that his military professionals no longer were in sync with his agenda, and had to realize that many of the Pentagon's top brass - from the very beginning - saw Bush as a leaderless nincompoop who had no business running the greatest military in the world.
Now, thirteen months and seven days after Outraged United Taxpayers Revolting Against Government Excess (O.U.T.R.A.G.E) had detonated bombs all over America that virtually eliminated the powerful, wealthy and influential of the country, a brand new attitude was taking shape all over the U.S.A. While capitalism and free enterprise would still be encouraged, the idea of 'big' would be discouraged. There was no need for national 'chains' of retail stores, banks and newspapers. The larger any organization, corporation or government got, the less manageable it became, and the fewer people benefited from it. Small, local businesses could offer goods and services to American consumers just fine, thank you very much.
While democracy would flourish as America's chosen form of governance, it would be a true democracy instead of a democratic republic. There was no need for national politicians to run the country, only to serve as true public servants sworn to do the bidding of the people. The larger any organization, corporation or government got, the less manageable it became and the fewer people benefited from it. Local governments and munciipalities could provide taxpayer services to American voters just fine, thank you very much.
These were two overwhelming changes in America...a country who had perpetually pounded its own chest and inflated its own ego based on how 'big' and 'strong' it was. It had taken generations, but such intrinsic egoism had created an aura of selfishness instead of selflessness; a circus of greed instead of generosity; an arena of sloth instead of sudoriferous toil; a sense of personal plunder instead of the camaraderie of community.
Now, the day before Christmas, 2008, the HOE HO HO force had its plans in place. All of the foes of yesterday were dead and gone. All of the materialistic accommodations made possible by credit cards, bank accounts, stock portfolios, business card titles, movie magazine photo spreads, sports rosters, or government largess had been destroyed. It was time for the 'common' man to take his rightful place in America. Christmas Eve services were being planned all over the country, and - for the first time in decades - most Americans would be celebrating for all the right reasons: Peace On Earth, goodwill toward men, and


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