Friday, March 23, 2007

From the personal diaries of George W. Bush, it was apparent that there were only three really lame reasons for the illegal and unconstituional invasion of Iraq in 2003.
1. The Bush family had had a personal vendetta against Saddam Hussein ever since the days of Desert Storm, when George H.W. Bush was criticized, ridiculed and humiliated for "not finishing the job" and ousting Hussein at that time. In typical Texas cowboy fashion, the Bushes were determined to 'get even' with Hussein for their failure, and - in 2007 - succeeded when Hussein was hanged by the new Iraqi puppet government installed by the second Bush administration.
2. Dick Cheney and his Exxon-Mobil oil buddies wanted control of all those rich fields of cheap, easily-accessible oil so that they could continue to feed America's addiction on the 'black gold' that fueled their gas-guzzling SUVs. Cheney, former CEO of Halliburton, was highly criticized for awarding lucrative wartime contracts to Halliburton without going through the usual bidding process. Halliburton had been embroiled in legal hassles for more than two years, charged with overbilling, price-fixing, and shoddy performance.
3. Following World War II, the giant U.S. military-industrial complex realized just how profitable was could be. So, they bought up all the policians, hired pricey lobbyists, and formed special interest groups that cunningly encouraged and promoted 'war'. Thus, the U.S.A. became entangled in the Korean Conflict; the Cuban Missile Crisis; the Cold War; Vietnam; and Desert Storm, as well as numerous less significant skirmishes over the past fifty years. Everytime the wealthy industrialists needed to boost their sagging corporate profits, a new 'war' was ready and waiting for everything from machine guns and tanks to the most high-tech killing equipment. Had all those billions of dollars been spent on peaceful projects, the world - by now - could have been a much more tranquil one.
Meanwhile, the crazed politicians, blinded by greed and hubris during decades of decadence, had ignored environmental issues that were now threatening to bring immediate peril to the planet. The depetion of the ozone layer had reached critical-mass. Rain forests were all but laid bare, forcing the extinction of countless species that might have eventually been able to provide venom or secretions for use in medicinal miracles. Corporate greedheads had skimmed most of the profits from the nation's largest and most successful businesses, leaving them as nothing more than shells of their former selves, unable to honor pension commitments to retired employees, or invest in new technologies. Movie stars and celebrity athletes had made public spectacles of themselves simply because they didn't know how to deal with all the massive amounts of money heaped upon them by entertainment executives who viewed them only as dollar signs. Media darlings like Rush Limbaugh and Howard Stern had negotiated mutli-million-dollar contracts just to break all the rules of civility and common respect for the public airwaves.
Now, thanks to the 'Rebellion of '08', most of those public showdogs were dead and gone. With the use of the technologies invented by some of these rich and piggish corporate conglomerates, a relatively small army of rebels had effectively and single-handedly destroyed all the filfth, obscenities, immoralities, and indecencies that these sub-humans had pushed onto the American public. Even young children found it appropriate to use the "F" word; teen-agers idolized the rich and famous who publicly proclaimed their illegitimate preganancies, laughed at the institution of marriage and commitment, and rejected that which was right, just, moral and decent.
Again, the elections were less than three weeks away.


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