Monday, March 19, 2007

On Monday, October 13, 2008, O.U.T.R.A.G.E. released new membership figures: an astounding jump in new members now brought the total to 75 million people! Even Interim President Colin Powell expressed surprise; having been a 'doubting Thomas' about the purpose behind O.U.T.R.A.G.E., Powell had come to accept the organization as a groundswell movement, a revolutionary (but well-organized) group of U.S. citizens who had reached the boiling point, and were tired of "politics as usual". Even he had to concede that the only way to get rid of the graft, corruption, and deal-making in Washington was to take away Washingotn's power and money. Eliminating the power brokers and the wealthy elitists was not that much different from when early American settlers revolted against the King of England. Power corrupts....and it's only natural to nip it in the bud at its source. That's why so many millions of American politicians, wealthy elitists, celebrities, and athletes had been killed by cellphone-denoated bombs on Janury 17, 2008. O.U.T.R.A.G.E. members truly believed it was the only was to 'start over' and bring America back to a sense of purpose, morality and humanity.
The California earthquake and the east coast hurricanes helped many millions more recognize that even the 'super power' United States of America was vulnerable to collapse. It was time for citizens to return to a more respectful culture, a society that put people ahead of money, and citizens before power. The 'common' man was still the strength of the nation, and those in positions of power had sent the country spiraling into moral and physical decay.
Most new members were generously supporting O.U.T.R.A.G.E., helping to fund the movement's agendas. The biggest challenge now would be to keep O.U.T.R.A.G.E. from becoming a large, powerful, wealthy organization, similar to those institutions and individuals it had just destroyed.


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