Sunday, June 17, 2007

The Double B Pig Farm Pre-Inaugural Hog Roast Festival continued well into the evening on Saturday, then started up again early Sunday morning. As more than three hundred invited guests enjoyed Baker's hog roast, there was also serious debate on a variety of issues. Global warming, of course, was one of them. The delicate matter of making recycling mandatory was addressed, and there was some concern that Americans might not welcome such restrictions. One newly-elected Senator from Maine asked bluntly, "If I waste electricity, water and gasoline - and I don't recycle - does that make me an evil man?"
Ron Oetting, the consummate recycling fanatic, jumped up, spilled his pitcher of peapickers, and loudly proclaimed, "It might not make you evil, but it sure as hell makes you less of a man!" Oetting composed himself, and then spoke in more deliberate tones as he began his diatribe. "Nature gave us dominion over all things on Earth - and for you to believe that gives you the right to squander such bounty is the epitome of sheer avarice. There exists a delicate, fragile ecological balance between all men, plants and animals, necessary for our very survival on this planet. By wasting water, gasoline and electricity - or by refusing to REduce, REuse, and REcycle, you not only show your ignorance, but also your incredible selfishness. Man's arrogance and greed has all but destroyed our valuable rain forests, oceans, great plains, mangrove forests, atmosphere, jungles, polar regions, and coastlines. We have been responsible for the near-extinction of countless species, from insects to elephants, all of whom have just as much right to this good Earth's resources as we do. And the really sad fact is that those animals and plants have traditionally conserved, preserved and protected the environment while man is the only creature that intentionally squanders such resources for his own pleasure or profit.
If you don't think that the ignoble tsetse fly has a purpose on this planet, think again. Many insects provide the natural ingredients necessary for vaccines and medicine, health and beauty products, and flavorings that we humans use everyday. If you believe the melting of the polar ice caps will only affect a few isolated Eskimo tribes and a few thousand remaining polar bears, think again. As those ice caps melt and water levels rise, we will see phenomenal flooding, hurricanes and weather conditions unlike anything this good Earth has ever experienced since the days of Noah's ark. If you think ducks, deer, elephants, pheasants, buffalo and squirrels are something to shoot just for the sport of it, think again: all of those animals are creatures of our universe and serve a purpose on Earth. If you think you can continue to fill up landfills with your trash, discarded water bottles, plastic containers, paper, telephone books, used cooking oil, old magazines, styrofoam cups, glass jars and cardboard boxes, think again. That shit isn't easily biodegradable. It takes years, sometimes centuries for it to decompose and return to the soil. Eventually, all those landfills will leach, and toxic poisons will enter our water tables and pollute our air. And when your beautiful little great-grandchild bounces on your knee and asks, 'Gee, Grandpa, why didn't you do more to protect the environment so I wouldn't have to wear gas masks to breathe fresh, clean air?' - how are you going to answer her??? We have broken the ecological beauty and solace of this world, my friends. It's up to us to fix it."

Bob Ryan stepped up to the microphones and peered into the TV camera. "OK. Oetting," he remarked casually, "it's time for you to stop preaching and let me give my sermon." He pulled a few sheets of paper from his jacket pocket, put on his reading glasses, and began somberly, stopping occasionally to sip on his always-present can of ice cold beer. "In 1916," he began, "Mark Twain wrote a book called 'The Mysterious Stranger'. In chapter nine, this is what Twain wrote:
'Next the statesmen will invent cheap lies, putting the blame upon the nation that is attacked, and every man will be glad of those conscience-soothing falsities, and will diligently study them, and refuse to examine any refutations of them, and thus, he will, by and by, convince himself that the war is just and will thank God for the better sleep he enjoys after this process of grotesque self-deception.' Ninety-some years ago Twain envIsioned what has happened in this first decade of the 21st century. Our self-centeredness, greed, gluttony and selfishness had grown into a national obsession, which - in turn- finally allowed us to elect the worst President in U.S. history who assembled an administration of miscreants intent on plunder for reasons of personal emotion and pure profit. The most arrogant, incompetent, contemptible, cowardly, corrupt Republican-led Congress in U.S. history turned its back while George W. Bush and his gang of political thugs ran rip shod over the U.S. Constitution, took the law into their own hands, and violated America's honor and integrity. The Bush family had a personal vendetta against Saddam Hussein ever since the days of Desert Storm when George H.W. Bush was criticixed, ridiculed and humiliated for 'not finishing the job' and ousting Hussein at that time.
Dick Cheney and his Exxon-Mobil buddies wanted all that OIL swimming underneath Iraq's sands so they could richer and richer and richer feeding America's addiction to cheap, easily-accessible foreign OIL instead of developing new, cheaper - and less profitable - alternative fuels, or encouraging motorists to drive less, or forcing automobile manufacturers to build smaller, more fuel-efficient cars.
Finally, the giant U.S. military-industrial complex learned how profitable 'war' could be during World War II. So, all the politicians were bought up, pricey lobbyists were hired, and special interest groups were formed to encourage and promote more 'war'. Thus, the U.S.A. became engaged in the Korean Conflict; the Cuban Missile Crisis; the Cold War; Vietnam; and Desert Storm. A 'new' war was necessary to boost the profits of government contractors such as McDonnell-Douglass, Sikorsky and Lockheed-Martin, not to mention those two 'newcomers' to the government money trough: the Carlyle Group and Halliburton, both of whom had direct ties to the Bush-Cheney White House. The Carlyle Group and Halliburton were given juicy government contracts without the 'inconvenience' of a bidding process. Both companies made billions of dollars in profits as American taxpayers continued to be mired with trillions of dollars of 'war' debt. Oppressed United Taxpayers Revolting Against Government Excess did what it felt it had to do: it planned, executed and implemented a second American revolution, and - with high-tech expediencey - it assassinated the President and Vice-President of the United States; most of the 535 members of a corrupt, arrogant, self-absorbed U.S. Congress that no longer felt any duty or obligation to American voters; and almost all bureaucratic staff members of the President's administration and his cabinet. But O.U.T.R.A.G.E. went further than that, knowing that if it didn't also destroy the toxic poison of the socialites behind the government facade, they would only use their wealth, power and influence to establish a new order and retain their grip on American politics, social structure, economics and corporate power. Capitalism in democratic republic is a good thing - to a point, after which the tenuous tentacles of edaciousness sets in and those with the most decide they need more than most. The unconstitutional, illegal, unjustifiable, unforgivable, immoral 'war' in Iraq was the straw that broke the camel's back. It took the American public six years to overcome their gullibility, but they finally recognized that the 'war in Iraq' was about nothing other than OIL and WAR PROFITEERING for a handful of billionaires who simply coveted more money, more power, and more influence.
O.U.T.R.A.G.E. put a stop to the financial rape and pillage. At first, many American citizens were appalled and afraid; but, now tens of millions have joined the O.U.T.R.A.G.E. movement and embraced what it did as 'necessary'. To be sure, it was peccant and brutal; but David could not simply 'wound' Goliath. The giant had to be killed. To recapture the American spirit of kindness, love, compassion, generosity and equality, it was necessary to rid the country of those whose wealth and power influenced America in grotesque and demented ways. This newly-elected batch of public servants pledged to avoid even the appearance of impropriety as they ran for office. A week from next Tuesday, on January 20, 2009, these people will be sworn in and will promise before God and the American public to serve the people - not squander for their own personal gain.
All I can say is....Godspeed!"


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