Friday, June 30, 2006

It was exactly 4:55 P.M. EST on Friday; the teleconference was now being televised to thousands of satellite locations across America. The camera closed in on the LED sign and showed the results of yesterday's vote:


This was the first time the number of voters exceeded 900,000. Over 91% of those 'registered' voters agreed that a balanced federal budget was imperative to the nation's prosperity, and evidently were willing to forgo personal comforts in an effort to establish such regulation. A gradual wave of change seemed to be flooding people's consciousness. Perhaps the hubris, avarice, materialism, and arrogance of the past fifty years' leadership had been misguided.

In 1992, a squeaky-voiced diminutive man named H. Ross Perot had captured 19% of the popular vote in the presidential election. While small in stature, Perot was 'big' on ideas and change. Single-handedly, he forced virtually every politican who was running for re-election to confess that he was not a "professional politician" (even though it was a bald-faced lie). The other issue that came to the forefront was the issue of term limits for all politicians - something most elected officials chose to avoid talking about. After all, how many of them wanted to return to a 'regular' job when their term was over? Giving up all those government perks, the lavish salaries and expense accounts, the luxurious lifestyles, and the lifelong benefits was not something most politicians favored. Once they managed to squelch Perot, everything went back to "business as usual", and the monsterous idea of term limits never raised its ugly head again. Members of Congress were set for life; none of them were about to get off that gargantuan gravy train!

A pipsqueak of a man stepped in front of the cameras. A man, in fact, that closely resembled H. Ross Perot as people might have remembered him sixteen years ago. His voice was gravelly, but more powerful than Perot's had been. He introduced himself as "just Jack" from Michigan. Dressed in black Levi's and a long-sleeved blue work shirt, Jack announced that he was about to introduce the next resolution. With pronounced confidence and determination, he read from a sheet of paper he held in his right hand (few people noticed it was an artificial limb).


"After FDR served almost four consecutive terms, Congress propitiously decided it was time to limit the number of terms a President could serve. Unfortunately, Congress didn't see the wisdom in limiting their own terms in office. So they allowed themselves the luxury of serving for life if the electorate so decided. And, of course, with the power and money of incumbency, many members of Congress did just that: they assumed lifetime positions that assured them the luxuries of living off the taxpayers' bounty. Most all members of Congress are now dead; this resolution serves to kill any ideas that any future members of Congress might have about sucking off the government's teat for a lifetime.

The very first proposal presented in this forum was entitled 'Take the 'Con' Out of Congress". This resolution furthers that concept by giving strength to a generous mix of representation. This resolution applies to members of the Senate and the House of Representatives.

It is respectfully proposed that members of Congress shall be allowed to serve for not more than six (6) consecutive years, after which they will be required to step down and allow a new candidate to represent their constituency. A member of Congress may be allowed to serve one additional six-year term after (s)he has been away from Congress for ten years or more. In other words, if a member of Congress were elected today, in 2008, (s)he would serve until 2014. (S)he could run for re-election in 2024. This allows for a variant in representation, and prevents the "coziness" that has become all too rampant within the hallowed halls of Congress. Our contemporary U.S. Congress is nothing more than a political version of that old game show, "Let's Make A Deal". This kind of hebetude must stop. It is not in the best interests of our political system, and certainly doesn't serve the best interets of most American citizens.

After their term ends in Congress, elected officials may NOT engage in any other service to the federal government, not as a consultant; lobbyist; director of a Political Action Committee (PAC); outside vendor or contractor; legal counsel; mentor or advisor; nor they may serve in capacity that allows them to profit from their public service in government. Should they be accused and convicted of such activity, they will face up to life imprisonment, and will be required by law to return all assets, money, and material goods with which they may have been compensated for such work. The U.S. Government will be authorized to repossess any homes, properties, real estate, vehicles, or other items of value in order to recover such ill-gained compensation.

Some politicians will argue that this does not allow for the value of "experience" within Congress. We disagree. We believe there are millions of U.S. citizens out there who would love to serve their country responsibly, professionally, and honorably. Many of these people can bring unique and varied management skills and business acument to Congress. Many have 'experience' that ill make them great statesmen and natural political leaders. Many of these people aren't involved in politics now because they can't stand the stench of corruption, greed, and torpidness. Lawyers, political panderers and common thieves have infected the halls of Congress. With all of them having perished, we are in a position to bring honest, reliable, hard-working people into public service, allow them to serve for a short period of time, and then refresh the 'tree of liberty' with new blood on a rotation basis. This keeps our public servants from becoming all-powerful, too entrenched in the system, and lazy.

As any organization, corporation, or government grows larger, the less manageable it becomes, and the fewer people benefit from it.

Our intention with this resolution is to deliberately prevent that kind of 'greatness' from happening. Government should remain lean and nimble at all times. Government has become, instead, obese and slovenly. We believe this to be one of the most important resolutions we have introduced. We respectfully encourage your support and plead for your participation in this most significant vote. Thank you."

With that, Jack's image disappeared from the screen. Today's session had been one of the shortest, yet was perceived by many O.U.T.R.A.G.E. members as being one of the most important to date. The screen went blank for another day....

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Two weeks ago today the nation watched in horror as the President of the United States started to deliver his State of the Union address, and their TV screens suddenly went black. In a matter of seconds, the Capitol Building was destroyed and most of those in attendance were killed instantly from the impact of the explosion. In those very same brief moments, government buildings, private homes of rich and powerful individuals, and national headquarter of many of America's largest corporations were also demolished by an assortment of simple bombs detonated from remote locations by using a sophisticated set of pre-programmed cellphones.
A never-before-heard-of organization called O.U.T.R.A.G.E. claimed responsibility for the carnage, and now was conducting a series of daily teleconferences to explain to Americans what they did and why they did it. Televised at thousands of public locations across the continent, members of O.U.T.R.A.G.E. would come forward with a new resolution on which viewers who were 'registered' by keying in their Social Security number on a portable keypad device could decide whether this resolution should be made into law. Around the country, as bodies were still being pulled from mountains of wreckage and families were burying their dead, this voting went on in front of large-screen high-definitions TV sets that had been set up in airports, restaurants, community centers, fire stations, factories, and other designated locations.

Yesterday's resolution on Judicial Reform narrowly passed as 444,562 of the 888,824 particpants voted 'Yea". 444,262 had voted "Nay". Before that resolution could be converted into a legitimate piece of legislation, the 'rough draft' would require considerable rewriting.

Now, as 4:55 P.M. EST approached, people began filing into the public meeting places, prepared to listen to what O.U.T.R.A.G.E. members had to say and perhaps cast their individual vote on the proposed resolution of the day. As usual, there seemd to be little structure, no real leadership, and not much continuity. There was no set program or schedule. Sometimes cameras would hover over a group of individuals discussing specific political ideas; others would candidly talk about why they zealously believed that what their organization did was just, right, and for the benefit of America. Millions of people still didn't even know what happened; they were preoccupied trying to clean up the debris and collect the dead from the terrorist-like bombings that had destroyed particular buildings or structures in their respective communities. Millions of others had, by now, heard about O.U.T.R.A.G.E., but were outraged themselves by the despicable horror this group of so-called 'patiroits' had managed to inflict upon the entire country. Still millions more held a curious interest in what O.U.T.R.A.G.E. had to say, and took it upon themselves to attend the public teleconferences to see what was going to happen next. The national media outlets had been unplugged. Only local radio and TV stations could broadcast within their immediate geographic areas. Newspapers that once were owned by giant publishing conglomerates were now, once again, independent media sources, operating out of their own offices and utilizing their own printing presses, but capable of only delivering mostly local or regional reports of what was happening. There were no more network feeds, wire services, or national headquarters telling these localized outlets what to broadcast or print.

From within a circle of about twenty five people, a gray-bearded man in an aqua golf shirt and tan Dockers trousers stepped in front of the camera. "Hi," he said, casually, "my name is Kent and I'm from Vermont. We're a pretty conservative bunch of people up there in Vermont, and we don't generally spend money we don't have, nor do we believe in borrowing money to pay our bills. We live a pretty simple lifestyle for the most part, and that's why I'm proud to represent the great state of Vermont as I introduce this resolution to the American voting public." With that, he pulled out a pair of spectacles similar to those most people were only saw being worn in every illustration of Ben Franklin. He read from a piece of paper he held firmly in his right hand.


"America's days of spend, spend, spend must end, end, end. Citizens have been tempted to borrow without saving, max out their credit cards, and buy everything they own on easy credit terms. Unfortunately, the United States Congress has helped set this wasteful example as it continues to spend money like drunken sailors without regard to the future financial stability of our country. Dick Cheney's folly in Iraq forced America into mammoth debt - debt which we may never ever be able to repay. He ordered George Bush to fight the 'war on terrorism' for only one reason: OIL. Now our grandchildren and great-grandchildren are saddled with trillions of dollars in debt, much of it owed to China who will almost certainly 'foreclose' on our country if we fail to make repayment.

Just like young couples who find themselves head-over-heels in credit card debt, the United States government must begin to exercise fiscal responsibility...a belt-tightening unlike any ever known before in our country's history. This resolution proposes a hard, but necessary, four-step program toward long-term financial solvency for America. If this resolution is not ultimately passed into law once a new Congress is elected, our country will not survive. We will become indentured servants to our creditors; without sufficient means of eradicating this mammoth debt, the United States stands a very good chance of becoming nothing more than an occupied territory of the Chinese government. These four steps include, but may not be limited to:

1. ELIMINATING 90% (that's right, 90%) of the current federal government's annual budget. That means ALL 'pork', all those expenses not directly related to the Constitutional operation and management of the federal government must be completely eliminated. All unnecessary bureaucratic offices, government facilities and the hodge-podge of 'departments' and 'divisions' will be permanently closed. Since practically all of these offices and facilities were unconstitutional in the first place, it should not in any way impair the government's Constitutional mandates of defending our country and providing for the welfare of its citizenry;
2. ESTABLISHING A MUCH LEANER NEW BUDGET which a newly-elected Congress will be required to monitor, ensuring that there will be absolutely no possibility of overspending or overbudgeting;
3. REQUIRING ALL GOVERNMENT CONTRACTORS to provide goods and services at a pre-determined minimal profit margin. If these contractors aren't interested in assisting the government toward fiduciary responsibility, they will no longer be invited to bid on any government contracts. Any contractor caught in any kind of fraudulent, illegal, or inappropriate actiivty, will be prosecuted for high treason against the U.S.A. and - any executives, managers, or owners who are convicted - will face a public firing squad;
4. PUBLISHING AN ANNUAL REPORT to the public, just as public corporations publish for their shareholders. This report will be prepared by the GAO (Government Accounting Office) and will be available to the public through schools, government offices, libraries, and banks;

We believe this to be one of the most imperative components to the new government which "We the People" will create. While it will certainly be difficult in the coming years, it is absolutely necessary if our national community is to remain a country committed to the freedom and rights of its people. I urge you to cast your vote for this resolution now. Thank you."

As viewers took their portable voting devices and begain punching in a "Yea" or a 'Nay", the familiar two line message appeared in white letters against a black backdrop: Tomorrow's meeting scheduled for 4:55 P.M. Then the screen went dark.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

80% of the voters in Monday's election opted to establish a voters' holiday, With 790,013 votes cast, the resolution passed easily: 632,034 "Yea" votes to 158,009 "Nay" votes. Among themselves, O.U.T.R.A.G.E. members expressed satisfaction in that result, believing that citizens really want to participate in the voting process. All any body of Congress had to do was make it more convenient for such participation. Now a new Congress, elected purely by an untainted popular vote, would replace 533 current members of Congress who had perished in the nation's worst internal disaster since the Civil War.

At exactly 4:55 P.M. EST, on a surprisingly warm winter Wednesday in most parts of the country, the large-screen TVs came to life in thousands of locations from coast-to-coast. An ever-increasing number of viewers watched as an ever-increasing number of O.U.T.R.A.G.E. participants filled the undisclosed hall from where these daily telecasts were being transmitted. The camera panned the room, then focused on the red numerals disclosing results of yesterday's vote.


90% of the voters in Tuesday's election opted to pass this resolution. It was clear to O.U.T.R.A.G.E. members that 'common' American citizens were gradually embracing this new system of democracy. While death counts were still being tallied and bodies were still being ripped from avalanches of blown-up buildings and homes, citizens seemed to sense that something good might come out of this terrible terror. Perhaps it WAS the only way: maybe this hi-tech version of the American Revolution was the final solution to dealing with an avaricious and egotistical political system that had grossly overstepped its bounds and severely mangled the true purpose and spirit of democracy. Defined in most dictionaries as "government in which the people hold supreme power", more and more 'civilians' felt they no longer lived in a true democracy; instead, they lived in a democratically-inspired monarchy ruled by an elite class of wealthy and connected individuals whose personal pursuits and ambitions allowed for considerably less social equality.

"Today's resolution is important to me," said Nan, a tall middle-aged blonde with intense crystal-blue eyes. "and that's why I have chosen to introduce it and ask for your vote so that it might be considered as part of the new law of the land." Demure and attractive, she still exuded an exotic fusion of formality, class and perhaps a savage sexuality. Her eyes sparkled - danced, with just a hint of tantalizing tease; undoubtedly, every man watching her on the big-screen TVs wanted her, realizing in his own private fantasy that she could easily make him her subservient; all she'd have to do would be to snap her fingers. Her bright lime-green O.U.T.R.A.G.E. button contrasted sharply with her smartly-tailored burgundy jacket and matching slacks.

"My husband was killed due to the obstinant stubborness of a judge who was out of touch with reality, and because of a defiency within our judicial system that allowed a ruthless murderer to go free and kill again. As circumstances unfolded, this ignorant judge sent my husband to jail for "insubordination" while he stupidly released a selfless piece of human dirt who had already confessed to countess other crimes and pledged to the judge that he would kill again. Our judicial system is in serious need of reform. Judges sit on a bench for life, with little supervision or evaluation. They are installed in palatial chambers with luxurious accoutrements; they enjoy lavish lifestyles paid for by American taxpayers; and they have absolutely no realization or regard for the consequences of the sentences they impose or judgements they make. Had it not been for obtuse decisions made by one particular, arrogant judge who saw himself as God Almighty, my husband would still be alive today; and, a vicious career criminal who boasted about his murders, assaults and rapes of innocent men, children and woman might at least be behind bars, if not on death row. For any of you who might remember '...And Justice for All', an old Al Pacino movie from almost twenty-five years ago, I implore your indulgence."

The beautiful eyes that once danced had now dissolved into puddles of despair as her lips quivered and her voice trembled in uncontrollable defiance. "I am proud to put forth this resolution for the People's consideration..."


" Many of our judges are overpaid, overstuffed pompous gods who sit in palatial chambers and enjoy lavish perquisites from their lifetime appointments without any supervision or review of their job performances. While a handful of aggressive attorneys might challenge a judge, most recognize the occupational suicide such actions might incur. This resolution is straight-forward, common sense that lends integrity to the judicial system, protects the citizenry, rightfully punishes the guilty, and keeps judges from becoming tainted or corrupt. Like members of Congress who should not be allowed social contact with those who might influence them, judges also must be required to live a monk-like existence as long as they sit on the bench. These recommendations are offered as part and parcel of this resolution:

1. Limit a judge's term to six years, after which he must be required to take a leave of absence from the bench and pursue
other occupational ventures unrelated to the legal system or politics;
2. After a leave of absence of at least two years, (s)he may once again return to the bench, but in a different venue or geographical locale;
3. As part of their training and education - and before they can become a judge - judges MUST be required to serve a one-month jail sentence as an anonymous inmate so that they comprehend what kind of environment they are sentencing people to, and so that they understand the basic failings of the prison system as it exists today (by the way, they cannot serve their jail sentence at one of the federal government's so-called 'country club prisons');
4. While serving on the bench, a judge will not be allowed to be a member of any organizations, associations, country clubs, social or political groups, or any other entity wherein they might come in contact with anyone in a position to extract favors or impose undue influence on the judge's decisions;
5. Global Positioning Systems (GPS) will be provided to monitor a judge's whereabouts at all times, and telephones will be subject to wiretaps and monitoring of conversations to ensure that the judge has no opportunity to make any contacts with persons who might wish to influence or threaten the judge;
6. Judges will be paid exactly the pay grades as that of U.S. soldiers, and compensation will be based on performance, integrity, and longevity. No judge will be allowed to profit from hsi or her experiences on the bench, nor will (s)he be allowed to work as a lobbyist, government consultant, or legal advisor for any individual and/or corporation while not on the bench;
7. Judges found in violation of any conditions will be tried for treason, and - if convicted - will face life imprisonment or death by firing squad;
8. A Review Board will be appointed to regularly scrutinize all sentences handed down by all judges to determine whether the decisions were just and reasonable;
9. Judges may be fired, removed from office, or dismissed upon deriliction of their duties.
10. Judges may NOT announce or promote their political preferences, and may NOT endorse any specific political candidate.

Therein, ladies and gentlemen, lies the rough draft of this resolution. Indeed, this will have to be fine-tuned as it is honed into actual law, but I appeal to you to vote "Yea" for this resolution as one more step in our process toward bringing government and the political processes back to the People of this great nation. Thank you."

With that, Nan's creamy complexion and sullen smile evaporated into nothingness. The familiar two-line message softly congealed on the screen before fading to black...and the TV monitors again were silent until the next day.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

The seventh meeting was convened at its usual 4:55 afternoon starting time. As the cameras whirled around the room, some 'familiar' faces were beginning to pop up - faces of O.U.T.R.A.G.E. members who were part of the 'original fifty' that introduced the group and explained its agenda. But, as in every day that passed, new faces also emerged.
Some waved small American flags; others held placards or displayed their bright lime-green O.U.T.R.A.G.E. buttons. Some smiled into the camera; others would turn away. One small group stood off in what appeared to be a small alcove at the back of the plain, nondescript room.

A large, professionally-printed poster hung on the wall above their heads. Its proclamation was a chilling expose' of what many considered the Bush administration's miserable mismanagement during its tenure.

The Cheney/Bush administration was by far the most evil, corrupt, and incompetent to ever occupy the White House.
This seated Congress was the most evil, corrupt, and incompetetent to ever occupy the Capitol Building in U.S. history.
Now, most of those people are dead and gone.

Consider that, since 2000, George H. Bush and this band of cowardly criminals has:

1. Initiated an illegal and unconstitutional war against another sovereign nation that did not provoke, threaten, or attack the U.S.A., had nothing to do with the 9-11-01 terrorists attack on the U.S., and had no weapons of mass destruction;
2. Massacred tens of thousands of innocent Iraqi citizens, including women, the elderly, and children;
3. Been responsible for the deaths of thousands of U.S. soldiers;
4. Tortured illegally-detained Iraqi prisoners without regard to the rules of the Geneva Convention;
5. Bankrupted the United States of America, forcing its citizenry trillions of dollars into debt;
6. Neglected the needs of America's poor, hungry, homeless, sick, aged, disabled and underprivileged while playing "Robin Hood in Reverse" and robbing from the poor and giving to the rich, the powerful, and the politically-connected;
7. Initiated failed economic policies that have resulted - and will continue to result - in higher unemployment, financial instability, and reckless fiscal appropriation;
8. Tarnished America's reputation as a global peacekeeper and world leader, forcing many smaller countries to consider acquiring their own nuclear weapons as a means of defense against the Earth's newest "evil empire", the U.S.A.;
9. Dismantled most of the ecological and environmental safeguards that were designed to minimize the damaging affects of such impending natural and scientific disasters such as global warming and a weakened ozone layer;
10. Created a police state wherein American citizens are presumed guilty until proven innocent;
11. Bestowed political and financial favors upon lobbyists, special interest groups, government consultants, wealthy elitists, and - especially - large national and international corporations to ensure their continued generous (if not illegal) contributions to the Republican Party and assure the GOP's continued dominant presence in Congress and the administration;
12. Falsified documents, provided fraudulent information, or out-and-out lied to the American people whenever it believed it to be politically expedient.


The proclamation was adorned with countless signatures, undoubtedly all members of O.U.T.R.A.G.E.

The camera panned to the center of the crowd where a young college student named Rick introduced himself. "I'm from North Dakota," he announced, and I would like to introduce today's resolution. For years the so-called 'honorable' men and women of Congress refused to increase the minimum wage while they piggishly grabbed pay increases and perquisites for themselves at every opportunity. Beholden to America's largest employers who didn't want to see their payrolls increase, Congress adamantly held the line on the minimum wage until many low-incomed Americans were actually earning less (in real dollars, adjusted for inflation) than they did twenty years before. We all remember the $3,300.00 cost-of-living increase they gave themselves in 2006 - timed so that most voters would forget about it before the mid-term elections. While a majority of poor, hard-working Americans learned to live on less income as prices increased, members of Congress and the executives they whored around with saw their wages increase in grotesque proportion. Some CEOs and other corporate big-wigs were earning 600 times as much as their average employee. It's time for a dramatic change in order to level the playing field and create a more equitable compensation package for all American workers. I am particularly proud to introduce this resolution to all voters who are watching today's teleconference." At that moment, an old Beatles' song from the 1960's began wafting in the background while Rick submitted his resolution.

Have you seen the little piggies
crawing in the dirt?
And for all the little piggies life is getting worse.
Always having dirt to play around in....

Have you seen the bigger piggies
in their stuffed white shirts?
You will find the bigger piggies stirring up the dirt.
Always have clean shirts to play around in......

In their styes with all their backing,
they don't care what goes on around.
In their eyes, there's something;
what they need's a damn good whacking....

Everywhere there's lots of piggies
living piggy lives.
You can see them out to dinner with their piggy wives.
Clutching forks and knives to eat their bacon....


"The American worker is entitled to a fair and reasonable wage that can help pull him out of poverty and allow him to share in the great wealth of this amazing country. This resolution is recommending that the minimum wage be raised, effective immediately, to $12.00 per hour for a standard forty-hour work week. Sadly, that's still only $24,000 per year, but at least it's a start. Then, as part of this new law, the minimum wage will automatically increase to coincide with the cost of living adjustment on January 1 of each new calendar year. This law applies to all corporations, proprietorships, or partnerships that conduct interstate business. The annual pay increase will take effect immediately without any need for Congress to vote or otherwise authorize such an increase. Business that do not comply will be subject to a $5,000-per-day fine per-employee for every day in which they are found to be non-compliant.
A maximum wage will also be passed into law, requiring that all corporations, proprietorships, or partnerships involved in both interstate or intrastate business limit the total compensation package to those owners, managers, supervisors, or executive officers to no more than ten (10) times the total compensation package of the lowest-paid employees. This includes hourhly wages, salaries, bonuses, stock options, retirement programs, pension plans, company cars or other vehicles available for personal use, expense reimbursements, or any other compensation. If stock dividends are paid to CEOs or other management personnel, the same stock options and dividend provisions must be avaialble to all other full-time employees of the company under specifically equal terms and conditions. The same annual pay increase will take place on the 1st of January in each calendar year without any further vote or Congressional authorization. Business that do not comply will be subject to a $5,000-per-day fine per-employee for every day in which they are found to be non-compliant.
As always, the naysayers will argue that this restricts free enterprise, and goes against America's capitalistic heritage.
Part of our American premis is that 'all men are created equal...' - that should be more important than a handful of people accumulating untold wealth off the sweat from the brows of their employees. This in no way is unfair to CEOs, executive officers, top management, or business owners. In fact, we believe this will increase productivity and enhance profitability in most companies because workers will know they're being treated fairly and more equitably. Thank you for your attention. Please exercise your right to vote, using the portable voting devices provided at each viewing location."

In every viewing location around the United States, the same two-line message was posted right before the screen faded to black.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Day Six: funerals were taking place across the country as mourners buried their dead. Still more dead bodies were being recovered from ghastly mountains of wreckage. While millions of Americans were still going about their daily business, hundreds of thousands more were searching for missing relatives and friends. Demolition crews had quickly cleared much of the debris from the Capitol Building in an urgent attempt to recover bodies of the 533 members of the U.S. Congress who perished right as the President began to deliver his State of the Union address.

At 4:55 P.M. EST the sixth teleconference opened with even more people sporting the bright lime-green O.U.T.R.A.G.E. buttons. The blaze of bright red letters and numbers filled the TV cameras with results of yesterday's vote:


O.U.T.R.A.G.E. members milled around the huge room. As a camera would hone in one individual, or a group of individuals, viewers could eavesdrop on conversations as to the purpose and mission of an organization that - until a week ago - had never been heard of before. An astute listener could pick up bits and pieces of how such a vast group of revolutionaires were able to band together so secretly, plan and execute such precise devastation, and develop a communications system capable of reaching the masses. Still, to millions of countrymen, the utter destruction and wholesale killing was incomprehensible. What possible good could come from the massacre of most of America's most prominent citizens?

These impromptu conversations were vignettes; a shading of informal discussions intended to reveal information in a non-threatening way, to avoid the appearance of any rigid structure. There seemed to be no leader, no protocol, no organizational chart. Some days this mish-mash of chatter went on for hours before someone finally came forward to introduce the day's resolution. Today, it was only a matter of minutes before an elderly gentleman in a dark gray sweater and light gray Dockers stepped before the camera. With no preliminary conversation , he announced, "My name is Richard. I'm from Missouri, and I wish to submit this proposal to be put to a popular vote." Gently, he removed a piece of paper from his pants pocket and commenced reading it aloud in a clear, strong voice.


"Our system of voting in the United States is in serious need of streamlining. Let's face it: our elected officials really don't want us to vote for one very basic reason: the higher the voter turn-out, the greater their chance of losing their re-election bid. Congress has no incentive to make voting easier for the general public. The only people they want coming to the polls are the people they're certain will vote the way each candidate expects. Low voter turn-out helps maintain the status-quo so that renegade politicians can't make waves. In 1992, an independent billionaire, H. Ross Perot, earned 19% of the popular vote and scared presidential candidates into the realization that the public really wanted change. Suddenly, they were all claiming not to be "career politicians". Many promised to limit their terms in Congress (few, if any, kept that promise, of course). Perot's startling popularity polarized the political panderers as it energized the electorate.

One concept Perot favored was a one-day voting holiday wherein all citizens had the day off so they could vote. The proposal I'm presenting today is similar in scope, with certain suggested modifications. O.U.T.R.A.G.E. is recommending that we declare a three-day Voters' Holiday to allow all registered voters an opportunity to vote. Within that three-day period, employers would be required to give all employees one day off in order to vote. Each voter would have a password, which would be his or her Social Security number. The password would be entered into the voting device (similar to the devices you're using today). Once that password was used, the computer would lock it so that a voter could not vote multiple times. After casting his or her vote, each voter would be given an official "receipt" to take back to his employer. The employer would be required by law to pay each employee for the full day upon proving that they had, indeed, taken the day off to vote. Voting could be done at polling stations, or employees could vote on-line. We have the technology available to make this a viable and completely safe procedure. Of course, the naysayers (mostly elected officials afraid of losing their cushy jobs) will claim it's a drain on employers to have to pay for a full day's work when it might only take a few minutes to vote. Employers traditionally give other holidays off with pay; this could be one more (or employers could choose to eliminate another paid holiday, such as Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Presidents' Day, Memorial Day or Labor Day).

O.U.T.R.A.G.E. developed the technology you are using right now to vote for these resolutions. We also created the technologies that enabled us to use cellphones for the massive multiple bombings we set off; the components of that particular technology, by the way, was completely destroyed once we had accompished our mission. Anyone wishing to reconstruct that technology would have to do so from scratch. We took every precaution to ensure that such destructive potential could never be easily duplicated without the time, money and expertise we invested in making it happen just one time.

It is time, once again, for you to cast your vote using the portable voting devices at your disposal. Please vote now. Then we encourage you to invite friends, neighbors, relatives or associates to join you at tomorrow's teleconference. It is imperative that all American citizens know about O.U.T.R.A.G.E. and participates in this proposition. Our sole mission is to rebuild our country of the people, for the people, and by the people, without the calloused interference of the ultra-rich, the powerfully positioned, or the special interest groups that have run ripshod over our country these past fifty years. O.U.T.R.A.G.E. is not intended to be a new political party; as a band of rebels, we have achieved what we honestly feel needed to be done in order to re-establish a government of the people. Now, we are serving as the catalyst for setting up a new government and establishing a new sense of honor, integrity and credibility among our citizenry. Once all that is accomplished in the next few years, O.U.T.R.A.G.E. will cease to exist. Thank you for your participation and cooperation."

Richard's ruggedly handsome face faded from the TV screens and - as usual - the two-line message appeared just before the screen went black.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Day Five: things were slowly returning to some semblance of normalcy even though rescue operations were still going on throughout the country. While most of the major media outlets had been virtually paralyzed, news was being broadcast over the thousands of local TV and radio stations still in business. It was mostly all local and/or regional reporting, however, since there were no longer any network feeds. Most daily newspapers now printed not much more than local editions. The Gannett Co., Inc. - America's largest newspaper publishing company - had been the target of multiple bombing strikes. Its McLean, Virginia headquarters was totally demolished; its "back-up" operations in suburban Maryland was supposed to allow the corporate giant to continue functioning in the event of a natural or man-made disaster. O.U.T.R.A.G.E. had also destroyed that facility which was housed in a non-descript building hardly anyone knew about. USA TODAY, the company's flagship national daily newspaper, now only existed as a group of small field offices around the country. Gannett had just acquired its 100th daily newspaper in the U.S.A. Now, most of those newspapers were functioning like they had a hundred years ago: this newly-found 'independence' was quickly allowing for more diversified news coverage and more objective reporting. Instead of publishers having to accept what 'corporate' wanted it to publish, they suddenly enjoyed an autonomy that few of them were old enough to ever remember.
Gannett owned more than a thousand non-daily publications, dozens of radio and TV stations, and countless other media outlets all over the world. Overnight, as the result of multiple bombings all over the United States, managers of these outlets found their dependence on corporate-dictated policies to be severed.
Some publishers and editors were completely lost without corporate orders. Other publishers and editors were beginning to thrive on this new-found independence. Some newspapers were writing op-ed pieces chastizing O.U.T.R.A.G.E. for what it had done to the country, while others promoted this tragic event as necessary for a common good, and enthusastically urged readers to at least give O.U.T.R.A.G.E. the benefit of the doubt.
The large hall which was being used to broadcast these public forums was suddenly overflowing with people. Hundreds and hundreds of people who had played a hand in the devastation were regrouping at these teleconferences. There was a growing carmaraderie as these people seemed to feel a need to reveal themselves and let the American public know that, yes, they had participated in what was certainly the most widespread force of destruction and nation-wide devastation Americans had ever experienced. This wasn't just an isolated incident like Hurricane Katrina had been three years ago. This wasn't a mining disaster like the one that devastated a small West Virginia community in 2006. To use the banality of a movie trailer's cliche', this was truly a disaster of epic proportions. Hundreds of thousands of O.U.T.R.A.G.E. participants had killed hundreds of thousands of other American citizens, mostly those who were politically-connected, independently wealthy, heads of large corporations, celebrities, or otherwise characterized as rich or powerful or influential. Because the bombings all took place at the very beginning of the President's State of the Union address, it was easily assumed that many of these kinds of individuals would be watching; it was just as easy to expect that these kinds of individuals would be vulnerable at that precise moment in time.
Using a network of crumbling infrastructures, unguarded public facilities, and a simple series of interactive cell phones, members of O.U.T.R.A.G.E. easily assembled all the components necessary to wreak such total destruction on America. These small bombs were, indeed, incendiary weapons of mass destruction, capable of blowing up an isolated building, a private home, or a government structure. Each bomb had been equipped to effectively destroy its specific target. Yes, tens of thousands of other citizens were also among the dead, but as Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld had once said when asked about the innocent victims of war, "Stuff Happens". Now, Rumsfeld's insipidly inane two little words had come to haunt this poor excuse for a human being as he and his family were now victims of such "stuff" that "happens".
Viewers of the teleconference today listened as dozens of O.U.T.R.A.G.E. people spoke. The conversations sometimes were reminiscent of those "talking heads" from Fox News and CNN whose only real accomplishments were measured in decibels.
At other times, you might see someone crying, or shaking their head as they spoke, seemingly unaware of the camera and visually, verbally questioning whether what they did was necessary or just. Almost always, someone else involved in the conversation would come to a rescue and console that person with words of comfort and reassurance. "It had to be done," one middle-aged man told his compatriot, "it was the only way."

Finally, a young, svelte Asian woman came forward and introduced herself as Leah from Washington, D.C.. "I would like to introduce today's resolution," she said in a confident, professional voice. "There is a poison that has spread throughout my hometown. It has taken over K Street, to such an extent that Karl Rove spearheaded a program he once called the K Street Project. I'm talking about lobbyists, so-called 'associations' that want to buy government influence, and other special interest groups whose sole purpose is to get legislation passed that favors their industries. These people are nothing more than human cockroaches that have infested Washington, and our proposal is straight-forward."


"K Street is lined with austere offices that house consultancy firms and organizations whose sinister motives are cloaked in what appears to be the public interest. In most cases, these trade associations, consultants and special interest groups have only one purpose inside the beltway: influence favorable legislation. Access to members of Congress has become big business, and corporations pay dearly for such access. The scandals from 2005 and 2006 were proof of how powerful and out-of-control these activities have become. Our proposal is that all of these groups be given NO access to members of Congress except within the confines of a public forum. Members of Congress who accept free trips, gifts, money, or favors in return for private access will be prosecuted as traitors and tried for high treason. If they are convicted, they will face a public firing squad. Those who participate in such activities will also be charged with treason and will suffer the same consequences. While it is certainly permissible for corporations to argue their case for legislation they deem necessary, it is just as permissible for the general public to know precisely the purpose behind such argument. The citizenry should have every right to support or oppose such proposed legislation with full knowledge and consent. If we will remember, our U.S. Constitution begins, 'We the People...." NOT 'We the wealthy individuals...', NOT 'We the special interest groups.... ", NOT 'We the lobbyists...', and certainly NOT 'We the corporations....". It is time to end this political whoring. Congress should NOT be for sale to the highest bidder.

If you agree, or if you disagree, it is important that you use the portable voting devices available to record your vote now. As before, this is a popular vote that will be followed by a committee of common citizens who will actually write the legislation and put it to a final public vote prior to it becoming part of the law of our land. Your participation is not only invited and encouraged, it is necessary if we are to begin rebuilding our great country into an even greater country that will be governed of the people, for the people, and by the people. No longer will our elected officials serve without representing the entire populace. O.U.T.R.A.G.E. will become the catalyst for reform, wherein 'the People' will rule by interactive forums such as you're viewing right now. Then a duly-elected house of representatives will tend to the appropriate business at hand, as mandated by the citizenry instead of the citizenry being excluded from the political process. Thank you."

As Leah backed away from the camera, the red glare of the LED display once again showed the results of yesterday's vote:


Lime green O.U.T.R.A.G.E. buttons on lapels could be seen all over the room. It was beginning to look like a typical political convention. Yet, no one could quite figure out where, exactly, this meeting was physically taking place. Camera shots were carefully restricted to the crowds and individuals. No distinguishing characteristics or signage was within camera range; government authorities were stymied as they tried to determine from where this activity was being televised. For all they knew, it could be taking place anywhere in the world. As quickly as always, once the resolution was proposed, the camera faded to black with a two-line reminder: tomorrow's meeting scheduled for 4:55 P.M. EST.

News outlets were beginning to report rumors that the Vice-President's mangled body had been recovered from the wreckage of the Capitol Building; it has been buried in massive amounts of rubble, covered by the giant U.S. flag that hung behind the podium where the President had started to deliver his State of the Union address. When the President's body had been pulled from the rubble, it was lying atop the flag. Rescuers did not realize until days later that another body was buried underneath the same flag; they assumed it was just more rubble.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Momentum was building as more people throughout the country heard about O.U.T.R.A.G.E. Most people were conflicted; while they abhorred what this collective group of "rebels" had done, they - somewhat apprehensively - also agreed that it was the only way to dramatically change the wickedness of what America had become. Unmitigated greed, vulgar displays of power and wealth, and an unhuman-like selfishness had taken over the country's leadership of both the political and societal elements of the United States. "We the People..." no longer were the power, no longer even had a presence, and certainly had no equitable representation within the national culture. It was time to take away the power and give it back to the people. To do that demanded a quick and definitive change. It had taken generations for this oppression to overtake the country. The power brokers, the wealthy, and the influential certainly would not simply submit to social changes that would take away everything they'd so mercilessly crawled after over the course of their greedy lifetimes. Immediate action that cut off the And, to take away the power, the first order of business was to take away the money. By establishing new resolutions as guidelines for an more moral and compassionate country, control of the money - and the power - had to be wrested away from the wealthy in one decisive, determined - and, yes, violent - twist of fate.

Now, as the fourth daily teleconference in as many days opened, several hundred more O.U.T.R.A.G.E. "revolutionaries" joined their compatriots on the stage. Facing the cameras with an unusual directness, viewers at the thousands of sites all over America watched for any signs of potential danger. Could any of these hundreds of "rebels" be part of a sinister plan to take control of the country and turn it into a dictatorial regime? Somehow, viewers seemed to sense a trustworthiness on the part of this group. For all intents and purposes, they appeared to be true patriots, committed to giving America back to the "common people". Abraham Lincoln was credited as saying, "God must have loved the common man, because he made so many of them."

Behind this expanding assembly of O.U.T.R.A.G.E. followers was the glaring red LED sign. Today, the results of yesterday's vote were already posted for all viewers to see:


An 84% plurality. It appeared obvious: Americans were not pleased with the convoluted, complex tax system devised over the years to favor Congressional friends and "stick it" to the rest of the taxpaying public. Lobbyists, special interest groups, wealthy elitists, and rich corporations had seen to it that they didn't pay nearly as much tax as the poor slob trying to feed his family of four on a lousy minimum wage.

From the corner of the room, a cheerful red-haired woman approached the camera. "My name is Ellie," she announced, "and I'm an RN (registered nurse) from Delaware. From the time I was in high school, I wanted to become a nurse and help the sick. It was, in my girlish opinion, the very best job anyone could ever want. When I graduated from nursing school, I worked for two local hospitals, and have also worked for several doctors over the years. The state of health care in this great, rich country is appallingly unacceptable. Millions of families go without health insurance or proper medical care. Millions more see their savings and assets completely washed away after the costs of a major illness or medical procedures forces them into bankruptcy. Yet, insurance companies pay their executives lavish salaries, bonuses and retirement plans. Congress has its own special medical plan, probably the very best health care in the world. Doctors earn excessive salaries as they've become nothing more than legal drug pushers for the huge pharmaceutical companies. I respectfully submit these fresh alternatives for a popular vote:


"It's time to revamp the entire health care system in America so that every individual can afford to get sick. This is something that can easily be accomplished if it were not for the powerful resistance from the American Medical Association, the health insurance industry, and lobbyists hired by the pharmaceutical manufacturers. Billions of dollars are wasted every year on a cumbersome health care program that is unfair and irrational. We believe we've eliminated the voracious appetites of this most repugnant collection of hypocrites who claim they're here to help save lives when, indeed, they often end up costing lives. The national headquarters of the AMA, and many offices of the largest insurance carriers and pharmaceutical companies now lie in ruins. Many of these organizations' leaders have been killed.

From these ashes of destruction, we can rebuild and create a new health care system in America that benefits the patients instead of lining the pockets of those in control of the powerful health care monopolies. We are proposing that ALL doctors, nurses, pharmacists, health care providers, and medical technicians are nationalized. Similar in scope to former President Ronald Reagan did with striking air traffic controllers, these medical practitioners would not be government employees, but would be "unionized" and subject to the rules, regulations, and sanctions of a government-imposed supervisory organization that would not allow strikes, work slow-downs or excessive profiteering. All of these people would be compensated at standard government pay grades. Nurses, doctors, and all others in the medical field would be paid the very same pay as a U.S. soldier, U.S. Congressman, or government employees, based on levels of expertise, experience, tenure, and responsibility.

Insurance companies, pharmaceutical manufacturers and hospitals would all be subject to government-regulated pre-determined conditions of profitability. Any excessive profits would be deposited into a pool reserved for catastrophic medical debts incurred by U.S. citizens. Excessive profits could not be used for outlandish executive bonuses, perks or buyouts. With the income tax system simplified, the IRS will be given full responsibility for monitoring these industries to ensure that no company, independent physician, or health care provider

The 'experts' will holler that this discriminates against free enterprise and will result in no motivation to compete without the basic capitalism incentive to profit. We disagree: we believe it will minimize the pool of workers, keeping only those who are genuinely dedicated to providing medical care for the sick and the disabled without consideration of the profit motive. For years, nurses have been the unsung heroes of the medical profession, earning paltry wages while doing more of the 'grunt work' than any doctor might ever even imagine. Health care should be an institution of skilled compassion and love without regard to how much money one earns. Those that are in it just "for the money" will quickly find other ways to make a living where they don't have to be such giving souls.

Yes, this is but a 'rough draft' and will certainly require fine-tuning before it becomes a formal reolution that ultimately becomes law. But it's a start. No doctors, pharmaceutical profiteers, or insurance industry experts will be seated on the committee that eventually writes this proposed legislation. It will all be the conceptualization of common everyday citizens.

A universal health care system would cover every household in America.
We are recommending that all citizens be subject to a 10% deductible, based on total household income. For example, if your household income is $35,000 per year, you would pay the first $3,500.00 for medical care before your nationalized health coverage kicked in. If your household earned $3,500,000.00 per year, you would pay the first $350,000.00 for medical care before your nationalized health coverage kicked in. For those households earning less than $35,000 per year, free medical clinics would be available for minor illnesses, routine doctor visits and check-ups, or emergency services. Those households earning more than $35,000 per year would have access to these clinics at nominal costs.

These clinics would not be included as part of the standard household deduction. They would also be utilized as centers for preventive medicine with the objective being to keep people from getting sick in the first place. Health seminars and special programs would be sponsored for the benefit of all citizens.

There will be people who will scream, 'This could cost tens of billions of dollars! It will bankrupt America!' Our response is basic: 'If we can spend tens of billions of dollars on war, we can spend tens of billions of dollars on keeping our citizenry happy and healthy and protect them from the outrageous rip-offs of the profit-mongering health care monopolies.'

The health care industry has conspired to make us believe they're justified in charging $100 for one pill, or billing Medicaid $22,000 for a simple medical procedure. We've been ripped off for years while executives, stockholders, and poltiicans milk the generla public and savor the excessive profits. It's time to put a stop to such rapacious and repugnant egoism.

I urge you all to use the portable devices provided to cast your vote. Furthermore, I urge all of you to seriously contemplate getting involved in O.U.T.R.A.G.E. and our patriotic movement. Our lime-green buttons symbolize a 'fresh start', in which we envision more common-sense approaches to government, more attention to environmental and ecological issues, and - most importantly of all - more equality for the common citizens in this marvelous United States. Thank you for your support and consideration. Our website has been overwhelmed with your e-mails. We understand how so many of you believe what we did was unforgiveable. But we ask you to remember that this is how the American Revolution started, and how - 232 years ago - on July 4, 1776, we declared independence from the British monarchy. Many colonists were revolted by the thought of a revolution then; many did not support the rebellion; many weren't really even aware of what was happening until the war started and the killing spread. We of O.U.T.R.A.G.E. see ourselves as the same kind of rebels in a contemporary setting. We knew millions would not agree with our strategy. But hundreds of thousands of us meticulously planned this revolution down to the very last detail, using our own money and quietly recruiting others as we moved forward. The use of high technology certainly aided us in the wholesale destruction of government buildings, corporate properties, and - yes - human life. In the years to come, we hope you will find it in your hearts to understand our reasons. It is our goal to make America a better place for the 'common' citizen and eliminate the malevolency that power, money and status creates. Thank you."

As voters across the country began pressing buttons on hand-held portable voting devices, the screen went black. Another day was done; a fifth vote would take place tomorrow.

Friday, June 23, 2006

The third meeting began at precisely 4:55 P.M. EST, as scheduled. Complementing the hundred people who showed up for the televised conference yesterday were an additional seventy or seventy-five new individuals, all sporting bright lime green O.U.T.R.A.G.E. buttons. Behind this growing cluster of individuals, the digital signboard posted the results of yesterday's vote:


Viewing from thousands of locations across the country, everyday citizens were beginning to sense a new unity of purpose in what was going on; as reprehensible as it might seem to order wholesale killings of America's most prominent, powerful and wealthy individuals, it was also becoming clear that - perhaps - it was the only solution. Pragmatically, it was unrealistic to believe that wealthy people would just arbitrarily abandon their fortunes; powerful people would give up their power; and status-seekers would fade away into oblivion. Jefferson's "tree of liberty" had been "refreshed...with the blood of patriots and tyrants". While, necessarily, the massive death toll included many innocent people who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, the body count also included legions of those who had enriched themselves at the expense of others; lowlife con artists who had taken undue advantage of others' misery; pondscum who neglected laws of the land in order to elevate their personal power base, and cheated countless Americans out of everything from personal property to basic personal freedoms. Politicians, lawyers, professional lobbyists, government bureaucrats, corporate executives of most of America's largest companies, wealthy individuals and celebrities, doctors, and bankers were magnanimously numbered among the

Abruptly, an attractive middle-aged bartender came forward and peered into the camera. "I am here," she boisterously announced, "to present the third Third Article for a New America:


A scrappy, take-no-shit-from-anybody kind of firey redhead, the waitress introduced herself as Lorie from Wisconsin. "We all recognize how unfair and unjust the income tax system is in this country, and we all know it's due to the manipulative ways of big business, special interests, wealthy individuals and lobbyists. These scumbags have conspired with Congress to write the tax laws to their own advantage while forcing the rest of us to carry the burden. Oh, sure, the big wigs claim they pay the largest percentage of income tax, but it's a lie. These assholes don't pay their fair share and they all know it.

All their bullshit about 'trickle-down economics' is nothing more than a shell game. The ogre that owns the bar where I work pays us the very minimum the law allows him to pay. He claims that if he had to pay more than a minimum wage, he'd have to lay people off. Hell, he runs the place with a minimal number of people now. By not having to pay us more, he just stuffs more money in his own pockets.

So, I am here to propose a more equitable tax system that is less complex. Many people believe the income tax is illegal and should be abolished. Well, the government needs to generate revenue some way, and taxes are a necessary evil. But let's tax those with excess. Here's the proposal:

Households with less than $35,000 annual incomes pay NO tax at all;
Households with annual incomes of $35,000 - $50,000 pay a flat 10% of their gross income;
Households with annual incomes of $50,000 - $75,000 pay a flat 20% of their gross income;
Households with annual incomes of $75,000 - $100,000 pay a flat 30% of their gross income;
Households with annual incomes of $100,000 - $250,000 pay a flat 40% of their gross income;
Households with annual incomes of more than $250,000 pay a flat 50% of their gross income;
Businesses with annual net earnings (after expenses) of $500,000 or less pay a tax on those profits of 25%;
Businesses with annual net earnings (after expenses) of $500,00 - $5,000,000 pay a tax on those profits of 35%;
Businesses with annual net earnings (after expenses) of $5,000,000 - $50,000,000 pay a tax on those profits of 45%;
Businesses with annual net earnings (after expenses) of $50,000,000 - $500,000,000 pay a tax on those profits of 55%;
Businesses with annual net earnings (after expenses) of more than $500,000,000.00 pay a tax on those profits of 65%

Big business will cry "Foul!" claiming that it will dilute shareholder value, yada yada yada.....
If they don't want to pay the tax, then they can increase legitimate expenses. However, part of the O.U.T.R.A.G.E. overall plan is to also restrict what qualifies as a legitimate expense (things like CEO golden parachutes; glitzy new office buildings; fleets of limousines and airplanes; excessive executive pay scales; political campaign contributions; and Cayman Island 'corporate headquarters' will all be specifically outlawed).

However, if the company wants to give its entire workforce a generous 15% pay increase, that will be acceptable. Any questionable expense will have to have advance authorization and approval from the IRS.

As with the Social Security resolution, there will be conflict and disagreement over this radical proposal. Therefore, I also am suggesting that a public committee be established to study the very best ways to make this the most fair and equitable tax system ever devised, while keeping it absolutely simple and basic. These committees will be composed of average American citizens, and will specifically not include those persons who might have an ulterior motive or special interest. In other words, if you're a billionaire wanting to protect your own income from what you believe to be excessive taxation, you won't be invited to sit on this committee. We intend to structure these committees similar to the Grace Commission that was formed during Ronald Reagan's tenure as President. While Reagan completely ignored the Grace Commissions findings and recommendations, O.U.T.R.A.G.E. and the American voters will be be fully informed of each committee's activities, conclusions and advisements prior to a formal addendum to the law.

So, guys, it's time to pick up those voting devices and punch 'Yea' or 'Nay'. Remember, what you're voting for at this time is NOT something that will automatically become law. Like our founding fathers, we will spend considerable time and energy trying to get this as perfect as possible before anything is carved in stone. We will aggressively invite and encourage the opinions and ideas of every single citizen. I'm just a red-headed floozy from the sticks, but I know this is a better way to create legislation than we've had in more than fifty years. I'm sorry our senators and representatives had to die; I'm truly sorry that the President and most of his administration had to die. But it was time to dismantle the self-serving monarchy they created, and the only way to do that was kill them all - Republicans and Democrats alike. Congress, big business, special interest groups, lobbyists, doctors, lawyers, and government bureaucrats had all turned into a cesspool of criminals, worse than any of the drug dealers, mafiaso, street-corner hookers, petty thieves, and gang killers that infest our communities. While we have ideas on how to put a stop to these lowlife individuals and their despicable activites, we had to start at the top. Because those at the top were the most evil. What we are doing is truly 'of the People, for the People, and by the People'. The 'People' were not being represented by our elected leaders; only the rich, the powerful, the special interest, the lobbyists, and big business were being served. Hopefully, all that's about to change for the better.

Please cast your vote, and encourage others to come along to tomorrow's meeting. We can't do this alone; we won't do this alone; we don't want to do this alone. We need everyone's participation and involvement."

As Lorie stared into the camera, everything once again faded to black.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

On the second day, the fifty original members of O.U.T.R.A.G.E. were joined by approximately fifty more individuals on-screen. Again, these were all 'common' citizens, some dressed in the clothing or uniforms they wear to work (a deliberate attempt to demonstrate their commonality).

Behind the group was an electronic readerboard sign, typical of those seen on storefronts and bars across America. In glaring red electronically-displayed digital numbers and letters, the results of yesterday's first informal vote were posted:


The first resolution had passed by an overwhelming majority of more than 90%! O.U.T.R.A.G.E. leaders had every reason to be ecstatic. What could have been a disasterous judgement against their murderous revolution, instead had proven to be what perhaps most United States citizens really wanted in a democracy: representation by, for, and of the people. While it would be premature to call this a "mandate", most O.U.T.R.A.G.E. members saw it as a positive sign. This first vote, of course, was also largely made up of voters who had been part of the O.U.T.R.A.G.E. conspiracy.

Of course, there were millions of Americans who were not even aware of the O.U.T.R.A.G.E. project yet. Millions were still searching through mountains of rubble, trying to locate bodies of politicians, movie stars, chief executive officers, investment brokers, government bureaucrats, and independent millionaires who had been the victims of this horror. To convince these rescuers that their intent was the only appropriate thing to do would be an exhaustive challenge. Millions more would be abhorred by the brutality and wickedness of wht had happened.

Now, this first resolution would be crafted into a legal document before being voted on at a later date and ratified as a formal addendum to the U.S. Constitution. All legal procedure would still be necessary to make this change to the laws of the land; the only difference was that this time decisions would be made by popular vote, by the people - instead of by a group of politicians whose self-interests took precedence over the general interests of the citizenry. This time, voting would not be influenced by special interest groups, lobbyists, wealthy individuals, or big business. While this was mostly cosmetic in nature, it was a procedure that (hopefully) would ultimately involve millions of citizens in the political process while it also allowed time for the reformation and revitalization of a new democratic representation and the re-establishment of a central federal government.

From the crowd of over a hundred people, a large, husky man dressed in blue jeans, a plaid work shirt, and a bright yellow hard hard, came forward. "My name is Dennis," he announced brusquely, "I'm from Minnesota, and I would like to submit the next resolution for the voters' consideration." His concern was Social Security, he explained, and he felt the program was in need of an overhaul. "I don't know what the original intent was," he admitted, "but here's how I see it: Social Security should be an insurance policy against poverty. Instead, for many Americans, it's become additional income that affords them to live out their golden years in luxury. That's a waste of taxpayer dollars, and an expense this country can do without. Why should people who are millionaires expect to get a Social Security check just because they've turned 65? Yeah, I know the argument: I paid into it all these years, I deserve to get something back. Well, that's a crock of shit. We all pay car insurance for years, hoping we never have to file a claim. If you're fortunate enough to never have an accident, do you ask your car insurance company to give back your premiums? No! That's how insurance works: premiums are collected and claims are paid. Hopefully, the amount of the claims paid is less than the amount of money paid by all premium holders. That leaves a surplus - or profit - for the insurance companies. Social Security should be managed the same way. We all pay our premiums during all the years we're gainfully employed. If, at the end of our career, we're fortunate enough to have a few bucks in the bank, we should not expect to get a Social Security check. This has been an issue our cowardly politicians have always been afraid of; all because they didn't want to piss off the huge block of senior citizen voters. Now we've killed off those bastards; now it's time to make changes in the way Social Security is administered so that only those who need it are entitled to it."
Dennis then introduced the "Second Article for A New America".


"Social Security has been called an insurance program, but it's actually America's biggest entitlement. The program needs to be modified so that only those who need it are entitled to receive it. This would certainly continue to include citizens of any age who might be disabled, unable to work, or permanently ill. It should absolutely include those individuals who - as they reach 'retirement age', need an income adequate on which to live. Social Security benefits should specifically exclude those individuals who - as they reach 'retirement age', DON'T need such financial assistance. If they've been fortunate enough to save some of their money, make prudent investments, acquire substantial assets, and provide for themselves financially, they should be denied Social Security benefits until such a time their circumstances change.

Social Security funds are being depleted because of the sheer greed of millions oof Americans who gleefully, carelessly collect it so they don't have to dip into their own resources. This allows them to accumulate more wealth, at taxpayers' expense, and still live in luxurious homes, drive luxurious cars, take luxurious vacations, and eat in luxurious restaurants. If both husband and wife are retired and collecting Social Security beneifts, they might be receiving several thousands of dollars a month with which to supplement their basic income. That's not necessary. It's not right. And it's not moral.

Only at such a time that a senior citizen finds himself to be destitute should (s)he be entitled to Social Security benefits. Specific criteria must apply in order to receive Social Security beneifts:

1. Recipient must be unable to be gainfully employed;
2. Recipient must prove that (s)he has no other sources of income (such as retirement pensions, investment income, etc.);
3. Recipient must have no savings or financial accumulations of any kind;
4. Recipient must have no legitimate means of supporting themselves and being able to provide for basic living expenses;
5. Recipient is allowed to own one (1) permanent residence and one (1) used vehicle, in addition to basic household items or
furnishings, personal items such as clothing and jewelry, and other items of sentimental or historical value;
6. Insurance policies, savings accounts, and other financial instruments must be cashed in or "spent down" prior to being
eligible for Social Security beneifts.

The intent here is not to restrict benefits to those who are truly in need; the intent is to prevent those who don't need such assistance from getting it. This is one more example of how gluttony and selfishness has taken over our country.

Those who have been fortunate enough to accumulate sufficient wealth with which to sustain themselves in their golden years should be PROUD to be able to help those less fortunate by allowing them Social Security benefits into which they were able to contribute as they worked to build their fortunes.

Professional politicians, wealthy individuals, special interest groups such as AARP, insurance companies and investment brokers, and a host of governmental bureaucrats will shout this down as unfair, unconstitutional, or discriminatory. O.U.T.R.A.G.E. views it as a more equitable and socially responsible movement that will ensure future generations of elderly will be able to live in some semblance of humble security. Taking this entitlement away from those people who genuinely don't need it will save billions of dollars that can be redirected to those who genuinely do need help.

Almost assuredly, there will be consternation, conflict and combat over this issue. It is, however, an imperative item that needs to be addressed while Social Security is still solvent and while there is time to modify it for the betterment of our society and future generations. As part of my resolution, I am also suggesting that a special committee be established to explore all aspects of this important issue, and return with viable recommendations for the implementation of such modification. This committee needs to be made up of laymen from the general citizenry. "Experts" from government bureaucracies, professional politicians, special interest groups, and lobbying entitites should not be invited to participate.

The most difficult challenge facing my resolution will be the changing of public perception and opinion. Social Security should not be perceived as an abolute "right" for all Americans. Social Security should be reserved ONLY for those whose circumstances - for whatever reason - require that they be provided with sufficient financial assistance. Of course, the most resistance will come from the wealthy, the powerful, and the greedy who think it's their right to suck off the government teat. Ironcially, these are the very same people who would prefer to deny assistance for a single mother with three children who works two minimum-wage jobs just to try to make ends meet, a drug addict who has suffered irreparable brain damage, or a former middle-management executive who is now homeless.

O.U.T.R.A.G.E. is not a collection of 'bleeding heart liberals' - we intend to be an organization that will grow into a new national consciousness and an improved national conscience. We believe the human spirit is inherently good, but Americans have become outrageously self-centered, greedy and unconcerned about their fellow man. I believe one of our ultimate objectives is to change to American psyche from one of "All for One, Me" to one of "We're all in this together". That is not to say that we reward debauchery, irresponsible conduct, or repeatedly offensive behavior. However, we firmly advocate that this nation must return to a deep commitment of compassion, unity, and - yes - love for every single citizen of the world.

Please use the voting devices that have provided to you. Your 'Yea" or "Nay" vote will be duly recorded, and results of the first informal vote on this issue will be announced tomorrow at the start of our third meeting. I hope to see all of you here at 4:55 P.M. EST. Please invite others to join you and participate in this revolutionary movement. Thank you."

With that, the screen once again faded to black.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The very next day, at 4:55 p.m. EST, the first meeting of O.U.T.R.A.G.E. convened via teleconference at thousands of locations throughout the United States. A diminutive middle-aged man, identifying himself as an accountant from the state of Connecticut, initiated the program. "We are here," he announced, "to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity." That, he explained, "for those who have never read it, comes from the preamble of the Constitution of the United States. I am a native of the Constitution State, and I am proud to be a member of what many might call a rebellion group, or a band of revolutionists. America became America precisely because members of rebellion groups and bands of revolutionists took up arms and fought for the freedoms we have enjoyed for over two hundred years. Sadly, because of the sheer greed, selfishness, and incompetency of those who have led America over the past fifty-some years, we have lost sight of our forefather's vision. While millions of Americans might call us savages for what we've done, we believe those same millions will come to recognize that what we did had to be done. Government has been manipulated and twisted to serve the needs of those who need it least. Wealthy individuals, special interest groups, lobbyists, and mega-rich corporations have taken control of our federal government. The only way to stop such social rape and pillage was the kill the people responsible for it. Now, in no particular order, members of O.U.T.R.A.G.E. will submit fresh ideas, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. With these new concepts, we expect to help form a more perfect union, one that reverts back to being a union of the people, by the people and for the people."

"The Declaration of Independence begins with three simple words," said a chunky Hispanic woman from New Mexico. "We, the People..." - her voiced quivered and she took a deep breath before she continued. "The Declaration does not say anything about 'We the wealthy...We the special interests...We the lobbyists....or We the corporations'. It's time to stop all the rhetoric and actually begin the process of revitalizing our Constitution, re-establishing our country's moral fiber, and revisiting the principles and foundations on which this great country was born. I believe one of the first orders of business is to create a new United States Congress manned by true statesmen who understand they are public servants, not privileged royalty. Therefore, I respectfully submit this first "Article for A New America" which I have entitled:


"We live in a democracy that doesn't hold elections - it holds auctions. Congressional seats go to the highest bidder. Promise a special interest group that you'll support its cause once you're elected, and it contributes to your campaign. Tell a wealthy individual you'll cut his tax rate, and he writes you a $1,000 check. Pledge that you will introduce legislation favorable to big business, and big business will reward you with big bucks. It's a lottery in which common citizens can't compete.

Professional politicians argue that you need "experience" in Congress. In truth, the more political 'experience' you gain as a career politician, the less you do your job! This country doesn't need professional politicians. It needs statesmen, people who get elected for a limited period of time; who understand they are pubic servants; and who recognize that their only obligation is to 'We the People'...

If you're a multi-millionaire, and you build a 40-room mansion, do you give the best rooms in the house to your domestic staff? No. If you're a decent human being, you will certainly provide modest, comfortable accommodations for your butlers, maids, chauffeurs, chefs, and other household employees. But you'll probably reserve the best rooms in the house for your personal living quarters. Why should it be any different for our Congressional employees? Members of Congress should be treated exactly like U.S. soldiers are treated: house them in dormitories or barracks, provide them with minimal creature comforts and uniforms, feed them, and monitor their activities. I propose that we find an old abandoned warehouse in Washington, D.C., refurbish it into barracks-style living quarters for our elected officials, providing each of them with bare necessities: a bed with a mattress and army blanket; a locker in which to keep their personal possessions; a closet for their clothing; bathroom facilities; and a dining room where they are served three square meals a day, cafeteria-style.

Each member of Congress will be given seven 'uniforms' consisting of red blazers with a Congressional insignia embroidered on the lapel; white dress shirts; and blue trousers. A small selection of ties adorned with American flags or the Congressional Seal will also be provided, as well as underwear, socks, shoes and handkerchiefs. Female members of Congress will, of course, be given whatever special accommodations they might require as well. Females will be housed on the first floor(s) of the Congressional barracks; male members of Congress will be housed on the top floor(s). Instead of a "drill sergeant" or "dorm monitor", there will be special "Congressional Attendants" posted on each floor to ensure the safety of all residents, maintain order and decorum, prevent any sexual or abusive misconduct between residents, and provide for any particular special needs that any member of Congress might necessarily require. A full-time physician will be on the premises, maintaining a clinic capable of providing all routine medical needs for all residents. Office facilities, including computers, desks, and phones will be readily available, as well as a library. Phone calls will be monitored so that a complete log of incoming and outgoing calls is recorded. Conversations might be recorded. "Lights out" will be precisely at 12:00 midnight. "Taps" will be given at precisely 6:00 a.m. every day. After breakfast, members of Congress will be shuttled to their offices in the Capitol Building via unmarked non-descript vans. Any member of Congress needing to be transported to another location inside the beltway will be given free rides in these same vans. Members of Congress will be allowed to eat in the Capitol Buiding, in their offices, or can opt to be transported back to their barracks for lunch and/or dinner. All members of Congress will be expected to report to their barracks before "lights out"; if it is likely they won't be able to do so, because of vote on the floor or other pressing business, an authorized Congressional Pass will be required to be signed and issued by a Congressional Attendant. Any travel outside of the beltway must be requested in advance, for which a specific reason must be stated and justified. Members of Congress will submit a budget, and will be given expense money accordingly. Any money not spent must be returned to the federal government, or can remain to accumulate for any future necessary travel. This includes travel for personal reasons, as well as travel on official government business. Complete, exhaustive details as to who will accompany the Congressman on such travel must also be outlined. Upon return, the Congressman must prepare a written report as to the nature of the travel, what was accomplished, who was visited, and what results were achieved or specific objectives were met. No member of Congress will be allowed to campaign for re-election while actively engaged in the service of the seated U.S. Congress. (S) will be allowed to campaign during official Congressional 'breaks' or vacations, but even then only under strict guidelines and financial restraints.

Members of Congress will be paid exactly the same amount earned by U.S. soldiers, based on rank, tenure, and performance.
Congressional Attendants will give performance evaluations every quarter, which will be be published for all United States citizens to review. Performance critieria will include evaluations of each Congressional member's attendance, voting record, and personal conduct. If a particular member's performance is not within pre-established acceptable guidelines, (s)he will be subject to "public reprimand" and could be required to leave office.

Professional politicians, of course, will balk at such restrictions and confinement. They will argue that it will interfere with their ability to do their jobs. They will complain that it limits their personal freedom. O.U.T.R.A.G.E., on the other hand, will maintain that it structures their work day to allow them more productivity. It entrenches the concept that they are in Congress not to enrich themselves, but to serve the public interest. And, since they are public servants, the public has a right to control and monitor their actions at all times, and has a right to reign in their personal freedom while they are doing the nation's work. Once they leave office, their personal freedoms will be returned to them. However, under no circumstances will they be allowed to use their experience as a U.S. Congressman to enrich themselves (i.e., they can't write books that allow them to profit from their experience; they can't become lobbyists or government consultants; they can't accept positions as members of corporate Boards; they can't charge for speeches, etc., etc. Part of the Congressional Attendant program will also be to oversee activities of Congressional members once they leave office. If it is determined that any former member of Congress broke the law - or even the spirit of the law - they may be subject to arrest and tried for treason. If convicted, they could face imprisonment, fines, or even death by public firing squad).

The intent of the Congressional Attendant program (and many surviving, or former, members of Congress will howl at how expensive and ineffective such a program will be) is similar to that of the U.S. Secret Service. Yes, it will be costly, but O.U.T.R.A.G.E. is proposing other changes that will save taxpayers billions of dollars that are now wasted on fraudulent, inefficient, and even unconstitutional programs now in existence). The greatest purpose of this resolution is to bring humility back to members of Congress, and take away their hubris and megolomania. Congress cannot be so isolated from the people they serve that they forget who it is they're serving. Being elected to Congress should not be intended as a full-time, lifetime occupation that includes lavish pay increases; state-of-the-art health and medical care; superior retirement and pension plans; obscene opportunities for wealth and power after leving office; and - most importantly of all - being an elected official of the U.S. Government should not put you above the same laws you've passed and expect others to obey.

Congressional con men have conspired against the American people for more than half-a-decade. We have killed most of them, now we can temper those who remain. We urge every American citizen to get involved and help with this important revitalization of America. At this you are being asked to vote "Yea" or "Nay" to this proposal. Please use the voting devices that have been provided to you. Your Social Security number will be your official password. If this resolution results in a "Yea" vote, it will be written as a legal document and will be submitted at a later date for a final vote before being passed into legislation. Thank you for your attention and cooperation. Tomorrow at 4:55 P.M. EST, another resolution will be presented."

With that, the televised conference faded to black. Those in the audience cautiously picked up their voting devices and - somewhat apprehensively - punched the "Yea" or "Nay" button.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

This second videotape was elaborately produced, complete with vignettes of historical illustrations from Revolutionary times, soft background lighting, and sometimes giant head shots of people like Ben Franklin, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and Harry Truman that towered behind the individual who was speaking. There had to be a director who was calling the shots and engineering the angles, telling the cameramen exactly where to focus. While everything was spontaneous, this was of documentary quality, comparable to anything viewers would see on PBS. Soft music was sometimes heard as words were being spoken, everything from favorite patriotic songs to "Eve of Destruction". Scenes from America's greatest historical moments such as JFK's inauguration speech; Nixon's "I am not a crook" proclamation; the a-bomb testings in Nevada; stills from the Civil War era; and clips of many of George Bush's bungled speeches made for superb backdrops, expertly interweaved as the fifty individuals from fifty different states carried on calm, composed conversation. Most looked directly into the camera, as if having been coached to do so.
Some compared the havoc they had wreaked to that of the Oklahoma City bombings of a federal building over a decade ago. A few characterized their destruction as having been stimulated by the 9-11 World Trade Center bombings, and the aftermath of the Bush administration's insane invasion of Iraq.
Still others made urgent pleas, calling on American diplomats and ambassadors from across the globe to return home. "We need all of you to help lead our country into a fresh era of peace, tranquility, and equality for all," implored one young mother from Iowa.
As captivated audiences listened and watched in offices, airports, theaters, restaurants and community centers across the United States of America, these fifty people explained what they had done, how they had done it, and why it had to be done.
An Indiana newspaper publisher repeated quotes from Thomas Jefferson, who said, "The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." The time had come, he argued, for American citizens to stand up to what had become a misguided federal government, a corrupt U.S. Congress, and a lackadaisacal bureaucracy. Continuing to quote Jefferson, he concluded, "When the people fear the government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty." Hundreds of thousands of 'common' Americans were told that there were "hundreds of thousands" more already totally committed to the principles, concepts, and direction of O.U.T.R.A.G.E. 'We cannot, will not, and don't want to do this alone," said the middle-aged man from Arizona. "We need the full support of every American citizen who is tired of a bloated government that is out of control. You may not agree with our tactics, but surely you can agree with our purpose."
Awestruck by everything they were hearing, most members of the audiences squirmed with a sense of uncomfortable wonder; yet there were few outbursts of defiance as to what this seemingly well-organized group of citizens had managed to achieve. A populace used to watching murder on TV, hearing about killings on the radio, and reading about torture in their newspapers hardly winced whenever they were reminded that "thousands of our countrymen have perished" - individuals who were selectively targeted because of their unabashed avarice, horrendous inhumanity to their fellow citizens, or evil and illegal activities that enriched them or strenthened their stranglehold on power.
An Alaskan resident, employed by the World Wildlife Fund, talked about the federal government's lack of concern for environmental and ecological issues, and persuasively contended that the lack of leadership with the U.S. Congress and the total negligence of the Bush administration had put the Earth in unmeasureable danger.
The schoolteacher representing Tennessee spoke softly as she said, "I am from the Volunteer state. We need volunteers to rebuild our great nation and move forward." She admitted that the group of rebels had originally thought about simply infiltrating the Capitol building prior to the President's State of the Union address, holding everyone a gunpoint until lawmakers agreed to change the laws and mend their evil ways. "After serious consideration," she said, "we knew that would not work. As soon as they retained power, things would return to 'business as usual'. What we did was done out of love for our great nation." She, too, ended with another Jefferson quotation: "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants". She acknowledged that "several dozen" of their group had already died as a direct result of the disaster in which they had participated.
'From this day forward," announced the 'delegate' from New Jersey, "we will televise portions of our ideas every day. Each transmission will begin at precisely 4:55 P.M. EST in these very same location where you're now seated. Using state-of-the-art computer equipment, we will begin an interactive process in which every registered American voter will be invited - and encouraged - to participate. We have invested millions of dollars in this endeavor. You will all be asked to vote for each component of the platform. Only the 'Yea" votes will prevail, and only the elements which you agree to with your vote will be included as part of the final political program. We expect this process to take thirty-three days. Votes will be tabulated overnight, and the outcome will be formally announced the next day, prior to the next day's voting begins.
It all seemed so simple. Across America, people were shocked as to how this had happened. Some still questioned why it had happened. And most were confounded to discover who had made it all happen. Most of America's rich, the powerful, the politically-connected, the famous and the infamous were dead. Body counts were still being tallied. As the days passed, identifying some of the bodies became more challenging. It could be said with some certainty, however, that an entire level of America's most prominent incompetents were no longer among the living. This new method of voting would not be impeded by fillibusters, Congressional discourse, or collusion among political thieves. This new method of voting would be strictly "by the people" without the interference of political panderers.
Now it was time for 'We the People.....' to take back our country. Only God knew for sure whether it would work.